Today, September 2, is the official US commemoration of V-J (Victory over Japan) Day. On this day in 1945, aboard the USS Missouri, Japan formally surrendered to the Allies, including the United States. Japan, which had sworn to fight to the very last man (and proved it in deed more than once), which taught its people to believe it was better to kill their children than let Americans get them, which had refused to surrender after two atomic bombs obliterated thousands of Japanese (the emperor had to force the war council to surrender), which had inflicted
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Today Is V-J Day. An American College Now…
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Today, September 2, is the official US commemoration of V-J (Victory over Japan) Day. On this day in 1945, aboard the USS Missouri, Japan formally surrendered to the Allies, including the United States. Japan, which had sworn to fight to the very last man (and proved it in deed more than once), which taught its people to believe it was better to kill their children than let Americans get them, which had refused to surrender after two atomic bombs obliterated thousands of Japanese (the emperor had to force the war council to surrender), which had inflicted