Today Is V-J Day. An American College Now Teaches Tyrannical Japan Was in the Right in WWII.
Today, September 2, is the official US commemoration of V-J (Victory over Japan) Day. On this day in 1945, aboard the USS Missouri, Japan formally surrendered to the Allies, including the United States. Japan, which had sworn to fight to the very last man (and proved it in deed more than once), which taught its people to believe it was better to kill their children than let Americans get them, which had refused to surrender after two atomic bombs obliterated thousands of Japanese (the emperor had to force the war council to surrender), which had inflicted unimaginably inhumane tortures on its prisoners of war, which had used its own people essentially as suicide bombs, which had slaughtered approximately 6 million people from other Asian countries (including Chinese, Filipinos, and Koreans—about 3.9 million Chinese alone), surrendered.
The free and democratic West had triumphed. This was not just a time for Westerners to celebrate, though—obviously the peoples of the various Asian countries the Japanese had committed war crimes against, especially China, could whole-heartedly celebrate too. China was represented at the V-J surrender, in fact. And of course, particularly when referring to Americans, the prisoners of war under the cruel control of the Japanese (who used to cannibalize prisoners, as just one example) were of all ethnic backgrounds. It is not making a racist or imperialist statement to say Japan had been seeking and maintaining what was, in many ways, an evil empire.
But the University of North Carolina is so blinded by anti-American, (Marxist) CRT-fueled hatred that it is now teaching students that “WWII was ‘Japan's attempt to roll back Euro-American colonialism’.” Absolutely unbelievable. The only imperialistic—that is, empire-seeking—power trying to establish colonialism in that situation was Japan. Japan attacked the US, Japan massacred millions of innocents, Japan taught its women to throw their children over cliffs when the Americans approached. I cannot fully express the danger and insidiousness of the outrageous, disgusting, and rank dishonesty of UNC’s course. According to Campus Reform:
“The University of North Carolina is offering a class called ‘Global Whiteness,’ which involves student presentations on Trump and interracial hookups on campus.
Campus Reform obtained the fall 2021 syllabus, covers the concept of race since the 19th century, but also contains what appears to be revisionist narratives of American history, specifically World War II.
Specifically, the syllabus appears to place blame for the Pacific Theater on America and the West. The course overview describes World War II in the Pacific as ‘the first global attack on white Anglo-American hegemony’ and ‘Japan's attempt to roll back Euro-American colonialism.’
A previous iteration of the course, taught in 2019, included a class session titled ‘Nasty, Angry White People,’ according to an earlier syllabus reviewed by Campus Reform.
Students in the course will be required to give a presentation based on one of 32 listed topics. One of the topics is, ‘How is Trump racist?’
Other student presenters will cover race in the context of their classmates’ romantic lives through the topics, ‘Black/White hooking up at UNC’ and ‘White/Asian hooking up at UNC.’ The list of topics also includes ‘White Trash,’ ‘1619 Project,’ and ‘Should White people pay reparations for slavery?’”
There are so many things wrong with this course—encouraging students to hook-up, encouraging students only to see each other as representatives of a race instead of as individuals, pushing the historically ridiculous 1619 Project, arguing that Donald Trump is racist. . .and the list could go on. I want to focus back on the argument that Japan in WWII was fighting specifically against eeeevil “Euro-American colonialism.” Europe and America were only interested in Japan because Japan was threatening them. In fact, I almost wonder if the Allies had too little interest in Japan and other Asian countries—there were no Tokyo Trials to punish the war crimes of the Japanese, as there were the Nuremberg Trials for the German Nazis.
Even Mark Driscoll, the professor teaching the UNC class, has admitted 1945 was “when the Allied Powers dismantled Japan’s extensive empire.” So apparently it’s all right to be imperialistic and colonialist if you’re not from Europe or the US? I think the millions murdered across Asia by the Japanese would have had a thing or two to say about that.