Insider Tells Tucker CIA Was Involved in JFK Assassination
As I wrote last night for PJ Media, speculations about the John F. Kennedy assassination started soon after it happened and have continued until the present day. That’s because there’s a lot of circumstances that seem too coincidental; for instance, the fact that JFK was killed by a lone gunman who was then killed 48 hours later by another lone gunman, and because the CIA later admitted it had withheld evidence, and then refused to release documentation. Of course, there are still various different reasons possible for why Kennedy was killed. The House of Representatives did decide in the 1970s that Kennedy’s assassination was almost certainly a conspiracy, but did not say whose conspiracy. Tucker Carlson believes he now has the answer—an insider with access to the Kennedy assassination documents told him that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was directly involved. Turns out yet another conspiracy theory was not quite so crazy as everyone thought.

Speaking of conspiracy theory, that phrase was not introduced into the everyday American lexicon until the 1960s, after the JFK assassination, when there was a media campaign to accuse anyone suggesting government actors had anything to do with the killing of being crazy. Sounds familiar to the experience of those of us who questioned the Covid narrative in more recent years.
Kennedy was very corrupt, but he was still much better than Lyndon Johnson. I think the U.S. soldiers who were butchered in Vietnam under Johnson’s gross mismanagement would agree.
You can read more details on PJ Media, or simply watch Tucker’s full clip, but I wanted to highlight the main thrust of what Tucker discussed.
“There was a 1992 congressional law mandating all JFK assassination-related documentation be released by 2017, which ultimately did not happen. Former CIA director Mike Pompeo convinced then-President Donald Trump not to release all the documents even though all the people involved are dead…1
Carlson believes he knows why the JFK files were not released in 2017, however. He said he talked with someone who has access to and familiarity with the still-secret Kennedy documentation, and asked, ‘Did the CIA have a hand in the murder of [President] John F. Kennedy?’ According to Carlson, the insider replied, ‘The answer is yes. I believe they were involved. It’s a whole different country from what we thought it was. It’s all fake’…
Carlson explained his understanding of the situation: ‘These forces can affect election outcomes. They can even hide their complicity in the murder of an American president. In other words, they can do pretty much anything they want. They constitute a government within a government.’”
If there’s one thing that the Covid plandemic taught us, it’s that The US government, including members of both parties (but most particularly the Democrats), are quite happy to kill off large numbers of people to attain a political goal. The government continues to push the Covid vaccine despite widespread evidence of its destructive effects. Our government is also willing to steal entire elections to get rid of politicians they dislike, and that is not exactly new. The Democrat party has been massively cheating and violently attacking and assassinating people since the 1800s, while Republicans have too often ignored or even covered for it. In my opinion, it is not in the least extreme to believe that government agencies and government officials have been willing to do almost anything, even assassinate a sitting president, to achieve certain aims.
Wake up, America. “It’s a whole different country from what we thought it was.”