They say better late than never, but when millions of people are dead that seems completely inadequate. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just quietly updated its Covid-19 guidance to tell Americans essentially to act as if the virus were the common flu. All of us “conspiracy theorists” who said the same thing back in February 2020 would like an apology.
I was able to find data indicating Covid’s 99% survival rate for most age groups as almost a brand new journalist in early 2020. Even just observably, it was clear that Covid-19 was a bad case of the flu, and with therapeutics like ivermectin, it was fairly easy to recover from. Do you remember how tyrannical and idiotic the Covid policies were? We should never forget.
The government blatantly lied and Americans died. The social distancing was stupid and arbitrary, people died alone in hospitals and nursing homes, masking was gravely harmful rather than helpful, the Covid “vaccine” murdered and injured millions (which the authorities knew and covered up), people were banned and persecuted and fired and restricted from certain areas, even from seeing their own family members, because of their vaccination status or masking. All this for a virus that was almost certainly developed in a Chinese lab with U.S. government funding, a created crisis! It’s not good enough to provide a surreptitious update four years too late. There should be arrests and trials and congressional hearings.
Ironically, the CDC’s new guidance from March 1 (read it here) not only recommends good hygiene and vaccination (despite ample evidence of the COVID vaccine’s serious risks), it recommends “cleaner air” and “gathering outdoors.” I remember how many people obediently stayed locked inside or took their walks with masks on during the height of COVID thanks to scare tactics from government agencies such as the CDC. I remember the people who would leap off a walking path in pure terror at the sight of another human being, and the individuals who didn’t leave their home for months on end, except perhaps to go to the grocery store. Turns out the age-old tactic of getting fresh air and washing your hands really is the best protection against COVID-19. Chalk up yet another one for us conspiracy theorists!
“The new guidance brings a unified approach to addressing risks from a range of common respiratory viral illnesses, such as COVID-19, flu, and RSV,” the CDC says. “CDC is making updates to the recommendations now because the U.S. is seeing far fewer hospitalizations and deaths associated with COVID-19 and because we have more tools than ever to combat flu, COVID, and RSV.” Wow, the CDC finally sort of caught up to reality!
When do we get apologies for all the people, especially young people, who committed suicide or did not receive lifesaving healthcare because of COVID restrictions? Will there be any attempted recompense for the lost jobs, scholarships, internships, retirements, school years, graduations, religious gatherings, businesses, vacations, and all the other lost and canceled opportunities? Will the government ever admit that our constitutional rights were arbitrarily trampled because of a cold virus? Thanks to the political and medical authorities, the U.S. economy was destroyed, our country was divided, thousands or even millions put out of work, and people’s lives permanently damaged by idiotic COVID-19 restrictions, which did far more harm than good.1
We need modern-day Nuremberg Trials—for the CDC, the NIH, the Defense Department, the Biden White House, the FDA, SCOTUS, all the feds and state officials who were complicit in the destructive Covid policies. That, unfortunately, would include members of both parties, though the Democrats were certainly far more tyrannical and continue to be so. We need accountability, not an indirect admission four years late that we were right all along.
Some sentences in this article were adapted from a piece I wrote for PJ Media.