One of the most famed U.S. military heroes of World War I was a pacifist who tried to be exempted from the draft. But once he was sent to the front lines, Alvin York proved that there was no braver and bolder soldier in the U.S. Army.
Today, Oct 9 is just the second Solemnity celebration to Our Lady of Champion, Wisconsin. Who appeared to Sister Adele, a Belgian nun who was carrying wheat through the forest to the mill to make flour for Sacramental Hosts. She had suffered an accident making soap from Lye that disfigured her face and blinded her right eye. She walked 10 miles through snow to mass daily. As Our Lady always asks, she wanted Adele to Pray the Rosary to Petition Jesus’s Mercy through the Immaculate Heart of Mary . [In case you didn’t know, there was a group of Monks in Hiroshima praying the Rosary at Ground Zero when it was nuked. Not only did they live unharmed, they suffered no affects from Radiation Fall Out Sickness.] And she asked Adele to teach children in their Faith. Later on, during the Great Chicago fire, a 5 mile wide wall of fire that turned sand into glass and killed more than 2,000, burning over a million acres, Sister Adele lead some faithful in the Rosary. At where is now the Shrine to Our Lady of Champion. That area was preserved from the Chicago fire as “an emerald island of green in a sea of ashes all around it”. Miracles today abound, from curing severe depression to stage 4 cancers. But the interesting large trend of charisms annually in the spring pilgrimage “Walk to Mary” is curing infertility.
Today, Oct 9 is just the second Solemnity celebration to Our Lady of Champion, Wisconsin. Who appeared to Sister Adele, a Belgian nun who was carrying wheat through the forest to the mill to make flour for Sacramental Hosts. She had suffered an accident making soap from Lye that disfigured her face and blinded her right eye. She walked 10 miles through snow to mass daily. As Our Lady always asks, she wanted Adele to Pray the Rosary to Petition Jesus’s Mercy through the Immaculate Heart of Mary . [In case you didn’t know, there was a group of Monks in Hiroshima praying the Rosary at Ground Zero when it was nuked. Not only did they live unharmed, they suffered no affects from Radiation Fall Out Sickness.] And she asked Adele to teach children in their Faith. Later on, during the Great Chicago fire, a 5 mile wide wall of fire that turned sand into glass and killed more than 2,000, burning over a million acres, Sister Adele lead some faithful in the Rosary. At where is now the Shrine to Our Lady of Champion. That area was preserved from the Chicago fire as “an emerald island of green in a sea of ashes all around it”. Miracles today abound, from curing severe depression to stage 4 cancers. But the interesting large trend of charisms annually in the spring pilgrimage “Walk to Mary” is curing infertility.