This is just ridiculous. How the hell is this soldier going to be able to deploy? It is my understanding that hormones and vaginal dilations will be needed for the rest of this soldier's life. How do you "go to the field" to train --- which is not the cleanest place --- and have to take time to dilate your "vagina"? What about if you're in a combat situation --- will this soldier be able to get their hormone medicine? How will taking hormones effect their behavior? When will they be fully able to perform their job duties?

Unfortunately, the people that will have to fight and win this war will be the veterans. I look around at the young people today and it's very concerning. I attended a Veterans Prayer Breakfast last year and the General told us that less than 25% of those of age in the USA would be eligible to serve. The other 75% are ineligible because of physical condition, mental condition, education, drug use, etc. Of that 25% that are eligible, less than 6% consider serving.

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