Three more pro-life activists, including two elderly women in their 70s, were just convicted as the Biden administration’s persecution of peaceful pro-lifers continues.
This follows five other convictions recently. The activists could face up to 11 years in jail for a peaceful protest at a an abortion clinic where they had evidence that the abortion doctor was killing babies born after botched late-term abortions, a violation of federal law. Mind you, these individuals, who, arguably, did not violate the FACE Act at all are being convicted, while there is no evidence that the Biden administration went after a single violent pro-abortion protester who absolutely violated the FACE Act by attacking churches (not to mention wrecking pro-life centers).
Antifa burned down cities? They’re just righteously angry. Transurrections at state capitols? Transgenders are always justified. Traitors and criminals currently running the U.S., starting with the Bidens? How dare you suggest they be held to account. Pro-life septuagenarians who peacefully protested infanticide? Lock them up forever, like the innocent Jan. 6 prisoners!!! That is the left’s attitude.
“[Breitbart, Sept. 15] Three more pro-life activists were found guilty on Friday and immediately incarcerated for their role in an abortion clinic blockade that took place in Washington, DC, in October of 2020.
Pro-life activists Joan Andrews Bell, 74; Jonathan Darnel, 40; and Jean Marshall, 72, were found guilty of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act and conspiracy against rights for blocking access to the Washington Surgi-Clinic, a clinic infamous for late-term abortions. The guilty verdict comes after five other pro-life activists involved in the same blockade were found guilty on all charges in late August.
The late-term abortionist they were protesting, Cesare Santangelo, was caught on video detailing how he ensured that babies born alive during a failed abortion will die—despite federal law guaranteeing medical care to all children born alive—and how no child born alive at his abortion clinic had survived. He was discussing a pregnancy of 24 to 25 weeks, at which point babies born alive can survive with medical care.
America is run by truly evil people now.