There Is an ‘AI Arms Race,’ and Elites Will Try Replacing Humans with AI
According to tech and transhumanism expert Joe Allen on Steve Bannon’s War Room, there is currently an “AI arms race” going on between Big Tech companies, all of them racing to outdo competitors with ever more complex and powerful artificial brains or artificial intelligence (AI). The few elites claiming some reservations about AI simply seem to want more government control as a “solution,” as if a bigger government ever solved anything. Allen claims GPT, underlying the now infamous ChatGPT AI, even has “emergent” properties.
Sciencing describes emergent properties as “properties of a group of items, whether insects, atoms or buildings, that you would not find in any of the individual items. Examples of emergent properties include cities, the brain, ant colonies and complex chemical systems.” For example, while no single neuron of the human brain holds “self-awareness” or “happiness,” the whole brain clearly participates in these states of being. Apparently AI is starting to exhibit signs similar to such emergent properties. That’s worrying, considering that the elites who run the world want to have complete control over all electronic devices—and even be able to implant microchips in people’s brains. AI with emergent properties (presuming that is actually possible) in the hands of the likes of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, Klaus Schwab, and Xi Jinping is truly terrifying.
Allen explained the current AI drive in military terms to Steve Bannon:
“You know, Steve, this is oftentimes described as an ‘AI arms race,’ and I think that’s very accurate. What you have, within America, is a competition between all of these Big Tech companies to produce better and better artificial intelligence, because, if they don’t, then their competitors will. GPT really spearheaded this, right, that was what everyone was freaking out about at the World Economic Forum [WEF], and GPT was amazing because it showed these emergent capabilities.”
Remember, WEF is the organization that openly plans to create a world where you “own nothing, have no privacy” and enjoy it, where “everything I do, think and dream of is recorded.” In case you’re wondering, WEF said AI would be a key ingredient in making this world: “AI and robots took over so much of our work…” In other words, elites replaced people with AI. These are the same elites who are quite open about wanting to reduce world population significantly. As WEF’s Yuval Harari put it, the world will be divided into the “elite” and a “useless class” with no rights and no utility, in the eyes of the powers-that-be.
“[Allen:] Now, it’s easy to kind of dismiss it as just a chat box—and it is—a lot of people dismiss it, saying, ‘Well, it’s just garbage in, garbage out,’ and that’s basically true. But what you have with GPT technology, right, a Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is that this neural network, this artificial brain, by virtue of its size, by virtue of the number of nodes and parameters within it—and, to put that in laymen’s terms, basically think of it as brain cells and the connective, uh, dendrocytes and axons between them—what you have, by virtue of size, is an emergent system.”
Again, with human-like properties. It has no soul behind it, but it can imitate a human brain’s function, and do it more quickly and easily than most humans can.
“So beyond just being able to predict the next word in a sentence to create coherent paragraphs and coherent essays, it exhibited a sort of reasoning capability. And before they put the woke safety layers over top of it, uh, it was a fairly non-biased system. Everybody who kind of talks about this is like, ‘oh, AI is woke,’ [but] the system, the brain underneath all of those safety layers that make it so-called woke…the brain underneath…it was capable of sifting through this vast quantity of human language and coming back with amazingly unbiased and informative essays, articles, short paragraphs. So that’s what sparked this AI arms race.”
Of course, AI can never be just like humans—partly because it can never have imagination and original creativity in the same way humans can (nor real emotions), but principally because humans have souls, and robots don’t. But what if (as we do) one lives in a world where all the elites don’t believe in souls? Individual human life is already held very cheap, as we can see from the Covid-19 vaccine deaths, the vast harms of the Covid lockdowns, abortion, overpopulation myths, forced sterilization and contraceptive programs, euthanasia, wars, and rising violent crime.
But what happens when the elites who don’t believe in the soul find that AI is cheaper and easier and more efficient than most humans? If you thought abortion and Covid-19 vaccines created genocides, wait until you see the genocide that the elites will attempt in the age of AI.