On this day, April 19, in 1775, a few shots were fired in the Massachusetts towns of Lexington and Concord, shots whose echoes shook the very foundations of the world and heralded the dawn of a new age.
Angel’s Envy, where 2 or more coherent fundamental frequencies are gathered, there shall my harmonic presence be unVeiled, the Short Cut to Salvation Easter Egg, CCC 518
Angels can’t fast, and thus can’t know the fullness and fulfillment past physical food of the Pure Bread of Life, Jesus . And per St Faustina, Jesus told her Angels are envious of the intimacy revealed behind Chastity, the fasting of physical intimacy. The intimacy of Christ and His Bride, the Church. Even the Mother of God can’t know the fullness of Joy of the Children of God with a Father and a Mother. How absolutely blessed are we! Yet we spend each day as ‘Aints instead of Saints arguing about ‘taste’s great less fillings’. How silly is my Self. No wonder step number one is “Deny my Self”.
Mother of Jesus
"It is true, you are the Mother of Jesus, but you have given Him to me; and He, from the Cross, has given you to be our Mother - thus we are richer than you!" -St. Therese of Lisieux
The Apocalypse (the unVeiling) of God, They who see Jesus see the Father, they who see the Apostles see Jesus. They who love the Bride love the Bridegroom (they who love the Church) love Jesus, they who love Jesus love the Father.
What is in a name? Jesus=“God Saves”, 1)Je 2)_ 3)Sus.
Between 2 coherent fundamentals the harmonic is Apocalypsed, unVeiled, revealed. Always there, omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. O3. O, H2O, Wine.
The harmonic is not created, it is always there in Redeemed Time. Waiting to be tickled by 2 or more coherent fundamental frequencies in linear time-space. To become unVeiled, revealed.
God’s Absolute Love and Sustenance is Always There, waiting to be Apocalypsed by human bodies fasting from food and practicing chastity. In between physical eating, drinking and intimacy between sacramental spouses. With sprinkles of Eucharist for desert. 🧐🙏🧐
This is what is bubbling up right below the Gen Z surface…
“Man, I see in Fight Club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering...an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy things we don't need.” -Tyler Durden's character in Fight Club
Angel’s Envy, where 2 or more coherent fundamental frequencies are gathered, there shall my harmonic presence be unVeiled, the Short Cut to Salvation Easter Egg, CCC 518
Angels can’t fast, and thus can’t know the fullness and fulfillment past physical food of the Pure Bread of Life, Jesus . And per St Faustina, Jesus told her Angels are envious of the intimacy revealed behind Chastity, the fasting of physical intimacy. The intimacy of Christ and His Bride, the Church. Even the Mother of God can’t know the fullness of Joy of the Children of God with a Father and a Mother. How absolutely blessed are we! Yet we spend each day as ‘Aints instead of Saints arguing about ‘taste’s great less fillings’. How silly is my Self. No wonder step number one is “Deny my Self”.
Mother of Jesus
"It is true, you are the Mother of Jesus, but you have given Him to me; and He, from the Cross, has given you to be our Mother - thus we are richer than you!" -St. Therese of Lisieux
The Apocalypse (the unVeiling) of God, They who see Jesus see the Father, they who see the Apostles see Jesus. They who love the Bride love the Bridegroom (they who love the Church) love Jesus, they who love Jesus love the Father.
What is in a name? Jesus=“God Saves”, 1)Je 2)_ 3)Sus.
Between 2 coherent fundamentals the harmonic is Apocalypsed, unVeiled, revealed. Always there, omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. O3. O, H2O, Wine.
The harmonic is not created, it is always there in Redeemed Time. Waiting to be tickled by 2 or more coherent fundamental frequencies in linear time-space. To become unVeiled, revealed.
God’s Absolute Love and Sustenance is Always There, waiting to be Apocalypsed by human bodies fasting from food and practicing chastity. In between physical eating, drinking and intimacy between sacramental spouses. With sprinkles of Eucharist for desert. 🧐🙏🧐
This is what is bubbling up right below the Gen Z surface…
“Man, I see in Fight Club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering...an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy things we don't need.” -Tyler Durden's character in Fight Club