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"Club Q shooting suspect Anderson Lee Aldrich was “non-binary.” “Alec” McKinney shot nine students with her co-defendant at a Denver-area school. The Aberdeen, Maryland shooter was “transgender.” Philadelphia mass shooter Kimbrady Carriker was a cross-dresser. Audrey Hale, the woman who went on a murderous spree at a Tennessee Christian school last year, identified as a male. This year alone, the Lakewood Church (TX) shooter and the Perry, Iowa school shooter—teen Dylan Butler—were both LGBTQ."

Alot of lies and missing context there:





"The reality is that pumping up young people on the hormones of the opposite sex, or perpetually telling them that anyone who disagrees with them is an evil Nazi trying to exterminate them, inflames youth with dangerous rage. The radical leftists brainwashing young Americans with LGBTQ propaganda have blood on their hands."

Except not: https://www.advocate.com/news/transgender-nonbinary-mass-shooters-debunked

How come the right are killers far more often in the sane time frame than trans people: https://www.reddit.com/r/skeptic/s/97yw9M7SXU

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