“So [the CCP is] trying to stop all the protests going forward, and, in the meantime, they have the biggest police force in the world going to people’s doors, knocking them down, and beating the sh-t out of them—‘disappearing’ people and arresting people…What they’re doing is massacring—basically having a Tiananmen 2.0 behind closed doors so that no one can see it.” —Matt Tye, The China Show

Matt Tye and Winston Sterzel were once the first YouTubers in China, and now they expose the crimes and subterfuges of the CCP on The China Show. Both their podcast and another show, China Uncensored, covering the mass anti-CCP protests in China were censored by being age-restricted on YouTube. The China Show was also demonetized (YouTube has since lifted the censorship). So what is happening in China that YouTube and its 50 Cent Army of online trolls don’t what you to see? Well, in the same Dec. 2 podcast where Matt and Winston discussed YouTube’s censorship, they revealed more details of the anti-CCP riots, including police violence, shutting down QR codes (social credit scores needed to buy or do anything), and CCP authorities tracking down every single protestor to his home.
That’s what a surveillance state looks like. And it’s exactly what all the globalists—Joe Biden included—want for the rest of the world.
Unusually, Chinese citizens are even talking back to police arrived to arrest them and there’s one example of a crowd of angry protestors taking back an arrested man from the police, after the man had been shouting, “Give me liberty or give me death!” But there have also been outbreaks of violence and tanks, just like the infamous Tiananmen Square massacres of 1989, and it’s just getting worse.1
“Now the police were going around and finding every single person that went to the protests, in every city,” Matt said. “Even if you just walked past—and this is the danger of this whole ‘zero-Covid’ control system they have,” Winston continued, “is the way it works is it tracks your every movement. And you cannot turn it off…[the CCP’s zero-Covid policies are] actually ramping up. But everywhere you go your phone keeps track of where you went.”
The “zero-Covid” policies are the ones that caused such mass starvation, internment, and misery in Shanghai and elsewhere. If you in China are even in contact with something labeled with a yellow code, you too can be quarantined or otherwise penalized. Many protestors’ codes were being turned all the way to red, which essentially cuts them off from necessities. And as Winston and Matt emphasized, every person arrested by the CCP, “Their lives are ruined.” Some of them will probably be executed. That’s the kind of courage it takes to attend one protest in China—and yet the Chinese keep protesting. Meanwhile Americans sit around discussing how they can avoid attracting angry replies on Twitter.
The idea that zero-Covid policies are being lifted is a complete lie, Matt and Winston emphasized. It’s meant to fool the West—and, unfortunately, seems to be doing so. Matt and Winston shared footage of CCP police doing phone checks on the metro; checking for forbidden apps, VPNs, suspicious photos, any of which could get the person arrested. Everyone’s mobile phone is being monitored, zero-Covid restrictions have been increased (not eased) in some places, and censorship and actual torture and arrest against the Chinese people are on the rise.
“So they’re trying to stop all the protests going forward,” Matt said, “and in the meantime, they [the CCP] have the biggest police force in the world going to people’s doors, knocking them down, and beating the sh-t out of them—‘disappearing’ people and arresting people.” Matt said that the protests are sadly working in favor of the CCP right now, because the CCP can pretend to the West that it is a democratic government allowing people to protest, while simultaneously hunting down, beating, and arresting all those who do protest. “What they’re doing is massacring—basically having a Tiananmen 2.0 behind closed doors so that no one can see it.”
WATCH the whole show below (the section covered above starts around 35:00):
Starts around 35:00 in the linked YouTube video.
Truly terrifying. Thank you again for pulling back the curtain for a harrowing glimpse.