all transgender are mentally ill....they have a 100% rate of mental illness

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100% / 4.5 = 22.2%

I'm a little surprised that psychiatric illness in the general population is 22.2%. Seems high. Are they sure they didn't sample all Democrats ?

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The parents pushing or allowing this are sick, not affirming.

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The LGBTQXYZ crowd has a much higher rate of mental illness compared to the general population? I am shocked and amazed.

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So the general pop must be at a minimum of 22.22222% as 100% of people that delude that taking hormones alters their gender has a mental illness. They also have drastically increased their risk of myriad cancers.

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No shit, Sherlock.

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Well dah they are men dressing up like women that ain't normal.

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They have a mental disorder to begin with.

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