Donald Trump once said, “In reality they're not after me. They are after you. I'm just in the way.” That’s absolutely true of Tucker Carlson as well. Carlson, in my opinion, has sometimes backed down from vitally important stories or expressed false views, but he was undoubtedly braving the storm of hatred in a way that few others could—and he was the last major voice of truth on a mainstream network. And that’s exactly why the globalists, including the corrupt owners of Fox News (the Murdochs), had to get him out of the way.
I guess the Murdochs were all Tucker-ed out from trying to force him to be dishonest, so they fired him, even though he was without competition their biggest viewership draw.
Tucker was exposing the truth about Jan. 6, about the mysterious and sudden mass deaths of livestock and burning of food plants across the country, about CCP-tied TikTok, about the assassination of JFK, and so much more. He was undermining narratives that the Democrats and their globalist pals around the world desperately want to maintain. As governments including the genocidal Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and powerful global organizations including the United Nations (UN) and the World Economic Forum (WEF), become more vocal about their 2030 Agenda, Tucker—like Trump—was throwing a wrench in their plans. The elites don’t just want to create a world where, as WEF put it, you “own nothing” and “have no privacy,” but they want you to be brainwashed into believing you enjoy it—or at least pretend you enjoy it. To the globalist elites, mind control is just as important as control of actions and words. Hence the government-tech censorship collusion, the developing of microchips and AI, the intense propaganda from every institution…and the complete globalist control of the mainstream media.
According to Dr. Robert Malone, the insidious globalist company Blackrock owns 15.1% of the Fox Corporation. BlackRock increased its stake to the 15.1% earlier this year, Malone wrote; “with this increase in 2.7% of Fox Corp, it is clear that Blackrock is fast becoming a controlling entity in Fox Corporation.” No wonder Fox is little better than controlled opposition.
One wonders if that had to do with why Tucker was fired, and with so little respect or warning, informed minutes before the official announcement was made and without having a farewell show. It is key to note that, as far as we know, based on Tucker’s contract, which has at least two years left on it, Fox can pay Tucker a certain sum and still “own” his services for two years, meaning he can’t go elsewhere and he is effectively silenced—going into the 2024 election. Let’s hope there’s a loophole. We need Tucker Carlson’s truth-telling, humor, and aggressive reporting, now more than ever.
Catherine, from what I have read, Tucker has a (rare) non-interference contact with Fox, meaning they cannot interfere in what he reports. They tried to do exactly that on Monday morning during his team's show prep and an Exec. Producer forbade him to talk about the 60 Minutes Ray Epps show that was on Sunday night. He reportedly quit on the spot but it was Fox who violated the contract so there's a legal issue at the moment. I don't believe Tucker will be silenced plus he will likely get his 2 years' compensation and leave the company, free to begin reporting elsewhere. Let's hope the sources that report this are accurate. Most of this info is via Emerald Robinson who got from an inside source at Fox.
In his recent speech before the Heritage Foundation Tucker very pointedly stated that we are in a battle of good vs. evil and urged people to pray every day for our country...I;m sure the Great Reset crowd just loved that?!