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For those reading a Chapter a Day of Luke for Advent, day 11 Jesus explains the root cause of most of America’s problems today. The Lawyer monopoly on our Federal, State and local Goober$Mints with their picket fences cherry picking jumping back and forth moral relativity.

Take real social justice for example. To a) both seek the highest common goods AND b) preserve the integrity of the Individual. Depending on the $$$ and power argue$Mint of the moment, Lawyers will choose only a) Marxism, or b) Libertarianism. And ignore the harmonic iteration balance of the two c) Common Sense Anericanism One Nation Under God.

Lawyers own 100% of Judicial and Executive branches. And 85% of the Legislative branch. Creating laws they then exempt themselves and their cronies from, to retain power and make $$$ from money laundering.

Luke 11:46

46  And he said, “Woe also to you lawyers! For you load people with burdens hard to bear, and you yourselves do not lift a finger to ease them.

52  Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge; you did not enter yourselves, and you hindered those who were entering.”

Even Better Call Saul Paul argued with 1st Pope Peter about the “Law Only” not saving anyone from Evil. And in fact codifying Evil to power in the Pharisees and the SadYouSees (sad because they didn’t believe in resurrection or the afterlife).

CCC 2697, “we tend to forget He who IS our life and our all.”

Lawyers make a living making you forget God to chase shiny object rainbows that can’t last. As their Egos turn into MeGos with their temporary power and $$$.

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