Nokia CEO at Davos: Tech Will Be 'Built Directly into Our Bodies’ by 2030
Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark said during a panel at World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Davos conference this week that, by 2030, technology will no longer be a smartphone you hold in your hand, or even the smartglasses that some companies are developing—tech will be built into people’s bodies. Here’s what Lundmark said:1
“ I think it will go. . .it will definitely happen. I was talking about 6G earlier, which is around 20—2030, I would say that by then, definitely the smartphone as we know it today will not anymore be of a usual, or, kind of, the most common interface. Many of these things will be built directly into our bodies. . .holograms will be very, very—of high quality in the era of 6G. . .with the next generation of technology, I mean, we could be having—having this meeting so that, in reality, we would be sitting in different parts of the world.”
Lundmark, in true elitist fashion, insisted in a Jan. article for WEF that tech can improve on humans and must be fused with them: “Two significant trends are expected to drive future developments in connectivity: human augmentation and digital-physical fusion.” Forget 5G networks, Lundmark is already looking forward to the “6G era.” His deadline is, of course, 2030—the date all the globalists set for the new era in which (as WEF put it) you will “Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better.”
5G is already considered controversial and dangerous by a number of medical and scientific experts, particularly due to the effects the radiation could have on humans. If 5G is already dangerous, what could 6G do? Remember, these were the people who pushed the dangerous and even deadly Covid vaccines on us, as well as mask mandates and lockdowns and all the other Covid measures that cost so many millions of lives combined. We cannot trust them to be honest or humane about their efforts.
Such efforts probably play into large cash and control dividends for WEF, however—WEF just launched a metaverse effort, partnering with some of the biggest names in tech like Meta (Facebook) and Microsoft. The World Economic Forum also recently published an article advocating to “disrupt” current educational methods in favor of using virtual reality and the metaverse, partly to combat climate change. If globalists have so much control now, how much more will they have when they can access and even control technology built right into people’s bodies?
Other speakers at the Davos conference called for a “recalibration” of human rights online and said governments have the “right” to access detailed, sensitive private data. WEF warned that you will have no privacy, that everything you think and say and do will be watched. Tech built right into bodies is the way that level of tyrannical control will work.
Lundmark’s comments begin at about 59:03 in the linked panel talk.