What I simply cannot understand is why so very few so-called "alternative media" overlook, or fail to mention, the incredible ongoing relationship between China and Israel. Is it simple cowardice, or ignorance? By now it should be more than self-evident to even the most dim-witted that Jews are way overrepresented in the Biden administration, as they were in Clinton administration. @TALPIOTTALK.COM/CHINA was one of the very few sources that did emphasize "Israel's key role in China's geopolitical strategy to become the dominant world superpower." It maintained that "Israel has sold us out to China." The site's owner got nothing but trouble for his efforts. The irony of it all: our alleged "greatest ally" is in reality is our greatest threat. We are being destroyed by a domestic enemy that the vast majority are completely unaware of, a domestic enemy that has placed itself above all honest criticism.

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I disagree. There are bad Jews and Israel has made bad decisions, but you seem to have fallen into the unfortunate antisemitic conspiracy theory that so many have over the centuries. Trump was the most pro-Israel president ever and also had Jews in his administration. Biden and Clinton are allegedly Christian. So is most Democrat leadership. For instance, Christians forced Jews into finance and the arts, because they were not allowed to own property, and then complained that there were too many Jews in finance and the arts. There are many Jews in government because there are many bad people in every group and they tend to have the highest IQ of white people (because they have always valued education and success). Jesus Christ was a Jew, and all of his apostles were Jews. By your logic, Christianity was founded by a gross “over representation” of Jews. it is true that the government of Israel has made bad decisions, like every government in the world (particularly in forcing the vaccine on its people), but let’s face it, Israel did not sell us out to China. Our own government did that. Biden is a complete Chinese puppet who has been receiving Chinese funding for years. He did not need any help from the Israeli government to do that. And many of the most powerful billionaires and leaders in the world selling out to China, including Bill Gates and the Rockefellers, or not at all Jewish. When Israel does something wrong, I acknowledge it. The government there has done terrible things, and America has, and Britain has; etc. Undoubtedly they sold out to China to some extent because nearly every nation has (the U.S. very much so, from the beginning). But pretending that it is Israel’s fault we are sold out to China is nonsense. The US could’ve stopped the Chinese communist party from coming to power and we did not. And the US has been bringing over Chinese plants and begging for Chinese investment ever since. In fact, one of America’s greatest enemies, Iran, makes it a consistent goal to destroy Israel. If I misunderstood what you meant by Israel and China’s relationship, and if you do in fact agree with some of my points, please explain more fully what you mean.

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