What I simply cannot understand is why so very few so-called "alternative media" overlook, or fail to mention, the incredible ongoing relationship between China and Israel. Is it simple cowardice, or ignorance? By now it should be more than self-evident to even the most dim-witted that Jews are way overrepresented in the Biden administration, as they were in Clinton administration. @TALPIOTTALK.COM/CHINA was one of the very few sources that did emphasize "Israel's key role in China's geopolitical strategy to become the dominant world superpower." It maintained that "Israel has sold us out to China." The site's owner got nothing but trouble for his efforts. The irony of it all: our alleged "greatest ally" is in reality is our greatest threat. We are being destroyed by a domestic enemy that the vast majority are completely unaware of, a domestic enemy that has placed itself above all honest criticism.

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