PJ Media: The United Nations just reached a hellish new depth of evil, voting that Israel must sacrifice the lands that belong to Jews as they belonged to their ancient forefathers. The lands would be vacated in favor of the jihad-worshipping “Palestinians,” who have not the barest shred of right to a single square inch of Israeli land.
The Nazis were defeated in World War II, but their allies the Islamic jihadis survived and continue their work of a thousand years, namely, falsely claiming Judeo-Christian heritage and lands for Islam. The UN, with 50+ Muslim nations as members and active Islamic terrorists on its payrolls, just voted to demand Israel surrender much of its territory to the Muslim “Palestinians.” This after Palestinians’ ruling terrorist entity Hamas proudly massacred over a thousand Israelis in unspeakably heinous ways to start the ongoing war with Israel.
God promised Abraham and his descendants the Israelites, “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curse thee” (Genesis 12:3). The UN, the “Palestinians,” and their fellow neo-Nazis are certainly courting the curse of God.
The Muslim Arabs have always refused their own state, though they already have one (Jordan), because only the extinction of Israel will satisfy them. There is no occupation. Israel keeps giving aid and land to the “Palestinians,” but you cannot appease genocidal terrorists whose religion endorses the killing of all non-Muslims, especially Jews. Yet the UN disgustingly announced:
Adopting a historic text demanding that Israel brings to an end its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, no later than 12 months from the adoption of the resolution, the General Assembly [Sept. 18] heard speakers stake out a range of positions regarding the best way to resolve this enduring crisis.
Adopted by a two-thirds majority in a recorded vote of 124 in favour to 14 against, with 43 abstentions, the text titled “Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences arising from Israel’s policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and from the illegality of Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory” (document A/ES-10/L.31/Rev.1) welcomed that opinion, which was issued on 19 July.
The Israelites were given the land of Israel by God Himself, as God promised Abraham, “And I will give to thee, and to thy seed, the land of thy sojournment, all the land of Chanaan for a perpetual possession, and I will be their God” (Genesis 17:8). The modern and exceptionally legal rebirth of Israel did not include all the ancient land of Israel because Islamic Arabs who launched what is now nearly a century of almost continuous jihad against Israel occupy some of that land. There is probably not a nation in the world with so just a right to claim the lands it possesses than Israel, nor a nation so attacked with false accusations of “occupation” and “colonialism.”
Now the conglomeration of Arabs who labeledthemselves “Palestinians” in the 1960s aggressively and dishonestly claim that much of Israel’s land, including Jerusalem, should belong to them. Muslims have been in control of the Holy Land in the past — they have destroyed holy sites (as recently as the mid-1900s), persecuted Jews and Christians, and imposed demonic sharia law. Ever since Israel ceded the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians, it has been nothing but a breeding ground for terrorism and hatred of Jews.
Now that Israel once again belongs to its rightful possessors, the Jewish people, giving more land to the “Palestinians” — a majority of whom support genocidal jihad and Hamas even as Hamas endangers and robs them — would be a crime of massive proportions. It is high time for the U.S. to defund the Nazified, terrorist-loving United Nations before we witness a second Holocaust more terrible than the first.
I think I hear Satan laughing. That may end soon.