Islam is an evil religion. That does not mean that everyone who belongs to the religion is evil, but looking at the texts and history of Islam itself it is absolutely undeniable that it inherently glorifies and supports such horrific crimes as rape, murder, sex slavery, pedophilia, and terrorism. That is why it is so incredibly ironic that woke college students, especially women, are pretending to be Muslims in droves right now.
Islam is a patriarchal, barbaric religion that has always used a sword as a conversion tool, that holds no value for individual human life, that teaches god is irrational and vindictive, that justifies any atrocity committed in the name of Allah—particularly against Jews and Christians. Islam condemns homosexuals to death and treats women as inferiors, only existing for the pleasure and service of men. The U.S. LGBTQ freaks and feminists parading about with keffiyehs or bowing to Allah do not understand that they are espousing a religion that sees them as an enemy to be oppressed and destroyed.
Don’t believe me, believe Muslims themselves. Multiple passages in the Quran and Hadith (sayings of Muhammed), Islam’s holy texts, and the Sirah (biographies of Muhammed), command or endorse outright evil. For instance, below are texts supporting jihad and murder of non-Muslims, including women and children (there are others, but below is a selection):
“Indeed, Allah has bought from the believers their lives and their wealth, because the garden will be theirs, they will fight in the way of Allah and will kill and be killed.” (Quran 9:111)
“So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them.” (Quran 9:5)
“[Hadith:] It is reported on the authority of Sa’b bin Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (may peace be upon him), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said: They are from them.” (Sahih Muslim 4321)
“[Hadith:] Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.” (Sahih Muslim 6985)
Honor killings—killings of family members who convert away from Islam or otherwise are seen as violating Islamic precepts—are also allowed and even encouraged under Islamic law, and supported by Quran 18:80-81.
Then there’s the approval of pedophilia. Hadith and Sirah alike confirm that Muhammed married Aisha when she was only six and consummated the marriage when she was nine (he was in his fifties). “[Hadith:] The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death)” (Bukhari 7.62.88) Since then, a number of Islamic scholars have argued not only in defense of child marriage but that there is no minimum age for a girl for marriage; the latter is not provided for in Islamic law. Even infants can be legally “married” in Islam.
Quran 70:22-30 and 23:5,6—among other verses—refer to the fact that Muslim men are allowed to have sex not only with their wives but with their slaves, praising those “who restrain their carnal desire (save with their wives and their slave girls, for these are lawful to them”). Quran 4:24 approved sex with slave girls (often referred to in Islam as captives of the right hand) even if they are married: “And all married women are forbidden unto you save those captives whom your right hand possess. It is a decree of Allah for you.” There are also multiple passages in the Bukhari hadith where Muhammed encourages his followers not just to have sexual relations with their slaves/captives, but to impregnate them. In Islam, women, whether wives or sex slaves, are not allowed to refuse the sexual advances of the men in their lives. Thus rape is essentially institutionalized.
It is no wonder that even in our own day, not only do Islamic jihadis rape women to death as they did in Israel Oct. 7, but there are many cases in many countries of Muslims kidnapping and raping non-Muslim women or even being granted custody of women they raped by Islamic courts.
Thus pedophilia, jihad, murder, sex slavery, and rape are all not only allowed but actively approved or commanded by Islam. If the Islamic jihadis ever rise up en masse in America, their admirers on college campi will have a rude and brutal awakening indeed.