Even some of us who are not exactly pro-monarchy in principle were sad to hear of British Queen Elizabeth II’s death—partly because it was the end of an era, and partly because she tried to be patriotic from her youth onwards. Her son Charles, on the other hand, the new UK king, is one of the worst of the globalists trying to remake the world into a place
King Charlie….let’s not call him Charles, feels his importance is crucial in dictating the WEF initiatives. First of all, as “king” he is NOT supposed to become a political activist or inflict his beliefs onto anyone. Queen Elizabeth steadfastly stayed away from politics and taking a stand in the whole global warming crap and push for green energy. Charlie is smacking his lips with happiness at his opportunity to spout his beliefs from the rooftops, thinning he is such a brilliant know it all, when in fact he is pushing a Marxist/Cimmunist agenda! He is despicable??
King Charlie….let’s not call him Charles, feels his importance is crucial in dictating the WEF initiatives. First of all, as “king” he is NOT supposed to become a political activist or inflict his beliefs onto anyone. Queen Elizabeth steadfastly stayed away from politics and taking a stand in the whole global warming crap and push for green energy. Charlie is smacking his lips with happiness at his opportunity to spout his beliefs from the rooftops, thinning he is such a brilliant know it all, when in fact he is pushing a Marxist/Cimmunist agenda! He is despicable??