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Corban, from Mark 7:11, was the Lawfare two tiered justice system of the Pharisees. To allow Clintons, Obamas, Bidens, Bezos, Soros’s et al, to “pledge” their money later, to the Temple now. So that they could get a ‘Not Honoring Father and Mother” get out of God’s Word free card. When their parents came and asked them for help in their old age, they could Lawyer Legalese say, “sorry, Corban, that money is a votive gift to the Temple”. While still having access to all their money. Until they died. Leaving their parents out in the cold. A Lawyer Lawfare practice Jesus condemned in Mark 7:11. A practice still used by Rich today with their Tax Shelter lawfare loop holes. Extrapolate that to lawfare two tiered human justice get out of God’s Commandments Free cards for killing babies, sterilizing and mutilating children for life, etc.

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