Ok. Tell me where in the writings of Peter or Paul is Mary even mentioned and given all the credit as redemptrix that you claim? Christ is the sole mediator between God and man. If Mary was so described as you do now, it is clear that the church during the time of the Apostles up through John would have given clear instructions as to how we are to relate to Mary. obviously no information from their writings, and later made up by the Catholic church. Sorry, but it is a false doctrine you push unsupported by Christ's Apostles who delivered the once forever faith to us. Read your bible rather than the created inventions of the roman church AD 500 and on. Christ will reveal it all to you if you are open to him, rather than his earthly mother.

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Thank you.

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If you are a believer in the propitiating sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, get out of this demonic organisation now. The return of Christ for His bride is imminent, and if your faith is not in Christ alone, you will be left behind.

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If you would like to know God's attitude to "the Queen of Heaven" which the Catholics now use for Mary, just go read Jeremiah chapter 7 and 43 and see how the children of israel were deluded into worshiping the Queen of Heaven and God's extremely negative position concerning it. And friends, lets remember that JESUS is the sole mediator between God and man. Sorry, but mary must be so distraught in heaven that her name is being used so infamously by the catholics. Just read your bible and it will show you how all this catholic doctrine and references to Mary are not only LATE in coming to Christianity but proven false by the Scriptures. Between the pope and mary grabbing God's glory, I don't know which one is worse.

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How is “all generations shall call me blessed” out of context? Furthermore, the writings of the Church Fathers and historical evidence show that what came late to Christianity was a negative view of Mary. From the earliest centuries, she was honored. By performing the miracle at Cana, Jesus showed how much He loved and respected His mother. We must follow His example in that as in everything else. Also, “one mediator” does not prevent you from asking others for prayers. Your interpretation would mean that asking ANYONE to pray to God for you is wrong and stupid, and yet the Bible tells us to pray for each other (James 5:16). Whom better to ask for prayers than Christ’s Mother? You are conflating a pagan idol called ‘Queen of Heaven’ from a totally different time and context with Jesus’ Mother, who is NOT an idol nor adored as divine but honored as being Jesus’ Mother. The Jews worshipped one God, but gave immense reverence to Moses and other holy men. For example, Caesars called themselves ‘sons of god’ but a condemnation against worshipping the ‘son of god’ Caesar would not mean we cannot adore the true Son of God, Jesus.

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Hello "db johnson",

I will honor Mary no more .....

than her Son honors her.

no more and no less.

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Oh, dear.

"So we call upon Mary by name, asking for her help in reaching Heaven..."

Uh, no: having faith in Jesus' death on the cross as payment for our sin debt is the *only* way to salvation, and hence, heaven.

I'm so sorry the "catholic" mumbo jumbo has perverted the simple but elegant truths of the Bible. I recommend reading the New Testament > Mathew, Mark, Luke or John, or all of them, and reading what Jesus himself said about all things that concern us here on earth.

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Perhaps you missed all of the New Testament quotes in my article.

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There appears to be zero enlightenment of the Holy Spirit in regards to context in your remarks. I see that you truly believe the statements you make, but for a second, think of the horror the catholic church has inflicted on this world. The inquisition, the murder of the Waldenses, Huguenots, Hussites to name a few. Please read Dave Hunt's book, "A Woman rides the Beast, and you will become aware of the vicious evil that is the catholic church.

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all those quotes out of context?

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