Lindsey Graham is one of those RINOS who was/is a member of the Gang of 8 (with Marco Rubio and others) who tried to push a bill demanding amnesty across the board for illegals some years back, disprespecting all lawful immigrants who entered the US. These lawful immigrants were vetted, secured jobs, paid taxes, and assimilated into the American way of life. Illegals do not fall into these catagories and of which Lindsey Graham et al wanted to allow. Graham isn't someone to be trusted and who wouldn't drink a glass of water without it having some benefit for himself.

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I can see many republicans lack the testosterone to do their job. Only a handful take the fight back. As to illegals. Neither party wants it to stop. That is just a fact. At this moment if we stopped 95% of all illegals entries and visa over stays your great grandchildren's grandchildren would still be watching the cases move through the immigration courts. You can thanks the likes of the chamber of commerce for the problem. Overwhelm the system. 1984.

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Names on future list of tasks to complete. Extreme prejudice.

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That would be easier if the capital were centrally located in the country, as is the case with most countries. Most real Americans are not located in the polluted environs of the Northeast, but instead are 500 to 2500 miles away .

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"Lindsey Graham" is a synonym for "scum of the Earth"

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The Big Cheat was the bad idea.

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