Donald Trump’s religiously, ethnically, and politically diverse NYC rally Sunday was a roaring success, so Democrats frenziedly and preposterously tried to claim it was a Nazi gathering, following VP Kamala Harris’s lead as she called Trump “Hitler.” In reality, it’s Democrats who have numerous ideological similarities to Nazis, not Republicans.
Racial eugenics. Genocide of Jews. Tyranny. Censorship. Mass internment of political dissidents. These are all Nazi policies—and Democrat policies.
The Nazis under Hitler murdered 17 million people, including the six million Jews massacred in the Holocaust. But Democrats support mass murder—including racially based mass murder—as well. Between 1973 and 2022, 63.5 million unborn babies were murdered through abortion in America, and the Democrats fanatically continue to promote baby killing. The Democrat KKK killed over 3,400 black people, which is horrific. But abortionists have killed over 22 million black Americans. This is not meant to downplay the Holocaust (or the KKK’s terrorism) in any way, but simply to note that both Nazis and Democrats support mass slaughter of innocents for ideological purposes.