Tens of thousands of people jammed into the area of Madison Square Garden on Sunday, only days before Election Day. In the Democrat bastion of New York City, at a time when Democrat leadership (including Kamala) is labeling Trump “Hitler,” many more people came to attend the massive rally than could get in. This is a great sign of hope.
ABC’s Jonathan Karl, who attended the rally, admitted, “Madison Square Garden was PACKED... Trump has created a movement, there is no doubt. I cannot think of another Republican figure of my lifetime who could've come into a Democrat city like New York and put together anything like that.” The crowd included people of a multiplicity of ethnic, political, and religious backgrounds, a true American melting pot.
“We bleed the same blood. We share the same home. And we salute the same, great American flag. We are one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God. We will never give in, we will never give up, and we will never ever back down …[or] surrender,” Trump told the cheering crowd. “Together, we will make America powerful again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America healthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America GREAT again.”
The reported GPS rally statistics are staggering:
-A total of 98,678 mobile devices were in the vicinity of Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally
-Just under 20,000 were in the venue itself
-The remaining balance watched from outside
-47% of attendees were first-time rally goers
Again, this is in NYC. Pray hard that this indicates Trump will sweep to victory on a margin too big for Democrats to overcome with cheating.