Catherine, you haven't seen anything yet.

Clover BioPharmaceutical (a Chinese company with Australian links) are currently trialing a novel trimeric "vaccine" and Al2O3 adjuvant.

15 Billion doses are scheduled by 2023.

Clover BioPharmacutical is funded by the Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), founded in Davos in 2017, by Gates Foundation, WEF & Wellcome, with numerous Western countries described as 'partners and investors'.

They will NOT stop until THEY ARE STOPPED.

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I recall CEPI wanted a new vaccine every 100 days too…

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Canadian Minister of "Health" has advised a "vaccination" is likely every 9 months.

Canada leads the World in the number of purchased jabs: >9 per capita.

New Zealand has legislated for its 4th (of 6 purchased). 4th remains voluntary.

For the thousand or more health professionals and clinicians (like myself) ... out of work for the last 8 months... it remains mandated.

A letter from myself to our WEF captivated Comrade PM in August 2020.

To wit:

Selective scientivism is not science and labeling disagreement as conspiracy ideation (Statist NZTV) is undisguised incipient tyranny.

The population of New Zealand is being coerced into believing that the country is marooned for its own 'safety'. Perpetual isolation and quarantine

measures must be considered impractical and unacceptable in a society that purportedly values liberty, prosperity and happiness. Such restrictions are both unrealistic and unsustainable. The policy mantra of 'flattening the curve' has been surreptitiously replaced by, 'new normal'.

Further, a vaccine remains an uncertain proposition as it appears from a UK study that the longevity of post hoc immunity does not appear enduring beyond a few weeks.

Relying as New Zealand did on the flawed modelling output of Professor 'Lock-Down', Neil Ferguson of Imperial College, patently a deeply flawed individual, was not an encouraging start to management here.

A generational wrecked economy drowned by the concrete boots of debt and unemployment, struggling with on-going social, medical and economic consequences too dire to contemplate, or a country that resembles the destination Sweden has achieved through the wise engagement of science and policy?

The choice seems as clear.

And here we now are in the escalating, continual and intentional wreckage of values, traditions, ethics, and very civilisation itself by the WEF and its corporate and government allies.

What they appear to fail to realise is that they're bringing the house down on themselves.

They will not stop until they are stopped.

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