“President” Joe Biden just signed an executive order to further the insidious transhumanist agenda (i.e. merging the biological and the digital—for instance, through brain chips or genetic engineering). The order specifically says programs should aim to engineer genes like “software and [how we] program computers.” If you don’t yet believe the Marxist globalists want to experiment upon and kill you, think again—and just read Biden’s executive order for yourself.
Below is the key part from the long executive order, the “Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy” (emphasis added):
“For biotechnology and biomanufacturing to help us achieve our societal goals, the United States needs to invest in foundational scientific capabilities. We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers; unlock the power of biological data, including through computing tools and artificial intelligence; and advance the science of scale‑up production while reducing the obstacles for commercialization so that innovative technologies and products can reach markets faster.”
And there they said it. The Biden administration explicitly said it wants to engineer your cells genetically in the way it engineers a computer. What is fascinating is that the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines are not only dangerous and deadly, they are in fact gene therapy—that is, they genetically engineer the vaccinated. This is a current and ongoing project, not a future plan. In fact, the executive order says:
“The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the vital role of biotechnology and biomanufacturing in developing and producing life-saving diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines that protect Americans and the world. Although the power of these technologies is most vivid at the moment in the context of human health, biotechnology and biomanufacturing can also be used to achieve our climate and energy goals, improve food security and sustainability, secure our supply chains, and grow the economy across all of America.”
It’s interesting that the executive order mentions supposedly safeguarding the US “bioeconomy” from foreign damage, since evidence shows a US government agency helped fund and launch the project that eventually manufactured Covid-19 in a Wuhan lab.
The executive order expresses particular interest in racial minorities, too. Democrats have a history of targeting minorities through medical experimentation. Interesting, isn’t it?
The executive order also indicates that biotechnology can supposedly help fight “climate change”—about which “experts” have been consistently and repeatedly wrong for decades. It does provide a convenient excuse for lowering citizens’ quality of life, though.
Furthermore, the Secretary of Homeland Security has a role in the “bioeconomy” plan, according to the executive order. You know, the same official who previously oversaw the Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board and who just said that his entire agency would target the “emerging threat” of “anti-government sentiment.” And the HHS, which was recently revealed to have pressured Big Tech into censoring Covid-19 content online, is also involved with the new plan. Nothing suspicious here.
The Biden regime is part of the globalist Marxist cabal—including the WHO, the UN, World Economic Forum (WEF), the Gates Foundation, and even the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)—that is atheistic and elitist; that is, it wants to reduce most people to completely-controlled serfs for the increasing power and pleasure of the elite.
WEF described UN’s 2030 Agenda (and the US government has partnered multiple times with both the UN and WEF) as a world where every thought, word, and action of a person is recorded, and where a universal digital ID is necessary to do or buy anything. You will “have no privacy.” I just reported on WEF head Klaus Schwab saying that brain chips would allow constant and immediate data transmission from each person’s brain.
As noted above, Biden’s Sept. 12 executive order is titled, “Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy.” Yes, apparently we should have an economy based off your biology. No wonder these people believe in chopping off twelve-year-olds’ breasts and mutilating six-year-olds in the name of transgenderism.
And this “bioeconomy” will all be in service of the globalists’ ambition to live forever by fusing the biological and the digital.
Good read, thank you!