Marxist globalists not only want complete control of your body, but of your mind, as well. For instance, Klaus Schwab, who is head of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and who was charged with genocide in an international court this year, previously described a future where everyone has brain implants allowing others to receive data directly from a person’s brain.
During the clip (it is unclear when the clip originally happened), Schwab said:
“Can you imagine in 10 years when we are sitting here we have an implant in our brains and I can immediately feel, because you all will have implants... and we measure your brainwaves. . .I can immediately tell you how the people react [gesturing to audience].”
The man to whom Schwab was speaking in the clip hesitatingly responded, “You can imagine, well, you’re going to be sort of transplanted into, you know…to live forever in the digital realm,” a comment seemingly eagerly echoed by Schwab. The man also distinguished between the “biological incarnation” of a human and the digital. Transhumanists like Schwab see technology as the means for achieving eternal life. Schwab previously talked about the fusing of the digital and biological in humans.
Commentator James Melville tweeted:

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, when discussing an ingestible microchip at a WEF event in 2018, said, “Imagine. . .the compliance.” Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently wrote an article pushing his Neuralink brain chips and AI—in a publication of a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government agency. A WEF article recently pushed the idea of microchipping kids. Joe Biden just issued an executive order pushing transhumanist policies.
Another interesting fact to keep in mind, from Edward Dowd on Gettr:
“The Bank of International Settlements general manager Agustin Carstens stating boldly they will have ‘absolute technological control’ over your personal spending under Central Bank Digital Currencies.
In other words, Carstens is introducing total-totalitarianism.”
Schwab’s WEF previously published their plan for what the world would look like by 2030, a world where you’ll “own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better.” The recording of every thought, word, and movement described in the WEF article would be a whole lot easier with brain chips. Imagine a world where even your unspoken thoughts are recorded by a government official who will then reward or punish you for those thoughts, perhaps by freezing your currency and preventing you even from buying food.
You may scoff, but that’s the world globalists and transhumanists like Schwab are trying to create.
"Joe Biden just issued an executive order pushing transhumanist policies."
No. Biden is not compos mentis. As you know, his shadowy Marxist globalist puppeteers are running the show. The tragedy is (and always was in the historical context) that America (like those Empires that went before it) appears to stand idly by, transfixed by its own disintegration from within.
I don't doubt Schwab, Harari et al. have a variety of twisted and evil objectives in mind. The chances of them pulling it off, or even coming close to pulling it off are as robust as a snow ball in hell. We'll be immersed in a global civil war. The CCP (despite all of their monstrous and murderous ways and means of control) are simply not holding it together.
Incoherence and evil will NOT run the World. It may torment us but it will never hold dominion over us.