Be Poor for the Planet: WEF Insists Economies Go 'Post Growth' to Stop 'Climate Change'
The insidious World Economic Forum (WEF) of the “Great Reset” is once again out to destroy people’s quality of life in order to stop “climate change”—about which “experts” have been consistently and repeatedly wrong for decades. Nothing like destroying the lives of millions in order to stop an imaginary climate crisis!
Don’t expect any of the billionaire globalists to change their lives drastically, though. The re-engineering of economies to a “post growth” state described in WEF’s new video will not be impoverishing the richest and most powerful. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and Antonio Guterres aren’t likely to start eating bugs, living in tiny apartments, and showering only once a week. That’s for the rest of us to do and for them to dictate.
“[WEF, Sept. 1, emphasis added] Just like the universe, economies have been growing seemingly for ever. But what happens if they stop?
This animated video explainer by TEDEd and the World Economic Forum inspects the arguments for going 'post growth' in order to save the planet.
The global economy has been growing for the past 200 years. Traditionally, that’s been seen as a good thing - a larger pile of money that would lead to a larger pile of opportunities for everyone.
But the ‘tide that lifts all boats’ theory feels less substantial with every new economic crisis. As a global recession looms, and as we veer closer to the limits of our natural resources, and as inequality spirals around the world - a new billionaire was minted every 26 hours during the pandemic - we have to ask: is infinite growth possible on a finite planet?. . .
Then [sic] jury's out - can economic growth ever be good for the planet? Clever tech innovations are a good start, but what we really need is a decision on shared principles. . .can growth be green?. . .
We asked six young movers and shakers - members of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leader community - what they think world leaders should prioritise on the path to a more inclusive economic growth [Canada’s Justin Trudeau and Russia’s Vladimir Putin, both authoritarian leaders, were WEF Young Global Leaders].”
What WEF is not telling you, of course, is that the recent series of economic crises were manufactured by globalist elites. Covid-19 was almost certainly manufactured in a Chinese lab with the help of a US government agency—but even aside from that, Covid-19 always had about a 99% survival rate.
Government officials, business owners, and bureaucrats around the world shut down whole national economies unnecessarily, imposed draconian restrictions on the businesses that were allowed to remain open, caused mass famines by disrupting the supply chain, and put millions out of jobs with vaccine mandates—all for a virus with a 99% survival rate. That was not necessary or inevitable, it was entirely unnecessary and forced.
And as for the current economic crisis in America and Europe, that too was induced by elites. In America, the Biden administration sabotaged domestic oil drilling, continued to push Covid restrictions damaging or fatal to businesses, and imposed other woke, inflation-causing, and economy-killing measures. Both America and Europe seemingly egged Russia’s Vladimir Putin into an earlier invasion of Ukraine, and have been spending money they don’t have and otherwise mismanaging the tragic crisis there since. That doesn’t even mention the very suspicious fires and other disasters taking out 100+ food production and processing facilities since Biden came into office—mostly in the US, but also in other countries.
Much of the energy and food shortages afflicting citizens in Europe, Africa, America, and elsewhere were caused by globalists’ deliberate choices, in defiance of evidence and experience.
You can read the rest of WEF’s article and watch the video on WEF’s website. The key point to keep in mind as you read and watch is that the UN, WEF, WHO, and other globalists have already said they want to achieve a world with no personal autonomy, no privacy, and no economic mobility possible for ordinary citizens.
Even the WEF/TEDEd video admitted that the “post growth” economy proposal raised questions like who would decide what’s “necessary” and what’s not? Who, indeed? WEF is just telling us about the world their deliberate plans will create.