More than 100 members of the US Congress used Ivermectin to treat Covid-19, according to Populist Press and two doctors who prescribe Ivermectin for Covid. Yes, that would be the “horse dewormer” the Left and mainstream moderates have been bashing. Then of course Congress is exempt from Joe Biden’s governmental vaccine mandate. . .is anyone else wondering exactly what Congress knows that they don’t want the rest of us to know? Surely those 100+ legislators were not ALL of them hardcore conservatives, especially since, according to the report, these legislators did not any of them reveal their use of Ivermectin to the public.
I’m sure that their taking ivermectin and making it nigh unto impossible for the little people to do so is merely part of the noble lie told for the good of the unruly lumpen proletariat
I’m sure that their taking ivermectin and making it nigh unto impossible for the little people to do so is merely part of the noble lie told for the good of the unruly lumpen proletariat