Offshore wind turbines are killing an endangered whale species, as a new production shows.
“Green” energy and electric vehicles are very toxic to manufacture and dispose of, they rely on African child labor and Communist China, they are expensive and unreliable, turbines and solar panels kill wildlife and ruin vast swathes of land and ocean, and it’s all unnecessary, because there is no climate crisis! Not to mention carbon is the absolutely essential element for all living things, so cutting it is an attack on life itself.
Public journalist Michael Shellenberger posted an ad (watch on X) for the new deep dive into how climate alarmism is driving whale deaths. “The media is ridiculing Trump for saying that wind turbines are killing the whales. But they are. There were 12 whale deaths off the East Coast in December alone. The North Atlantic right whale species will go extinct unless the Trump administration acts to end the slaughter,” Shellenberger insisted.
The ad showed men going down to examine “another” washed up whale. “It's becoming a pattern. Is it the windmills? Is it the pounding of the sea floor? How many whales is it going to take?” one man asked. The wind turbines disrupt whales’ ability to navigate via sound communication. One woman explained, “There aren't many places where the North Atlantic Right Whale can go, it's destined to extinction.” She and another man noted how horrible is the sound the whales hear due to the windmills. “It sounds like someone pile driving,” the man on ship exclaimed. “Is this what the whale is experiencing at a half nautical mile away?” the woman asked, shocked, as she listened. Whatever happened to the environmentalists wanting to save the whales?
“What the United States is looking at is thousands of wind turbines in an area that our whales, our dolphins, our marine life, where they live, where they migrate, where they breed. It's only when they started going into the wind lease areas that we believe that the whales are dying,” the woman added. The ad ends with Shellenberger asked, “So those red dots are whale deaths? What a scandal.” It is indeed. Let’s hope Trump will take action to end these expensive, unproductive, destructive offshore wind farms.
Turbines kill whales in the ocean and birds on land. Some solar fries birds and others heats the land beneath the panels. Everything green causes more pollution and death. When you look closely at what the "greenies" are trying to do, especially reducing CO2 which will end up reducing plant life and thus all life; you begin to see that "green" policies and everything the WEF and UN are pushing for results in death - of everything. Green means death.
Maybe Oil can save the whales from extinction like it did in 1901 when Spindletop save whales from being hunted for whale oil.
As an aside, Atheists trying to make Life by zapping organics with high voltage, made oil instead. So Peak Fossil Fuel oil is a myth. Later, NASA discovered oceans of hydrocarbons on Titan. Not a tree or Dino in sight.