United Methodist Pastor and Drag Queen Says 'God Is Nothing'
Drag Queen Pastors, CGI Children, and Society's Spiritual and Physical Suicide
Sadly, the United Methodist Church (UMC) seems to be taking Pride in showing its true (rainbow) colors by supporting sexual deviancy. An associate pastor, drag queen, and self-styled “dragevangelist” with UMC has recently raised controversy with a blasphemous, profanity-laced poem in which he claimed “God is nothing.”
Homosexuality and sexual perversion are repeatedly and explicitly condemned in the Bible. St. Paul says: “Do not err: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor liers with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extortioners, shall possess the kingdom of God.” —1 Cor. 6:9-10. As I have previously explained:
“The word being translated here ‘liers with mankind’ in the original Greek, ἀρσενοκοῖται, means literally ‘men engaged in sexual activity with the same sex.’ St. Paul’s condemnation of homosexuality is perfectly in accord with the Old Testament as well. The reason homosexuality used to be called ‘sodomy’ was because the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God because of their sexual perversion.”
It is interesting that St. Paul puts effeminacy as a barrier to entering Heaven, too. If a man wearing a dress and wig and performing as a drag queen isn’t effeminate, I don’t know what is. Furthermore, in Genesis 19, the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed by God with fire and brimstone from the sky because of sexual perversions practiced by the town’s inhabitants. Lot has an argument with an aggressive and lustful band of homosexuals not long before their cities are destroyed.
“[American Spectator] Last year, the United Methodist Church accepted Isaac Simmons, who regularly preaches dressed as a drag queen under the name Ms. Penny Cost, as a candidate for ordination. Since that time, Simmons, who serves as an associate pastor at Hope United Methodist Church in Bloomington, Illinois, has challenged basic theological concepts, projecting a worldview where divinity rests not in God but in queerness.
In a church preparing to split over LGBTQ issues, the drag queen pastor, who embraces queer theology while barely attempting to plaster on the basic tenets of Christian theology, has become a lightning rod. Conservatives argue that Simmons’ role as a celebrated figure among progressive Methodists proves the church has become so radically liberal as to forswear Christ.”
And considering a recent (allegedly) artistic display from this sadly disturbed “pastor,” it seems that the UMC has forsworn Christ indeed. And Christ said that those who deny Him, He will deny them before His Father in Heaven (Matt 10:33).
“Simmons has published a new video of himself performing slam poetry in what may be his most provocative repudiation of traditional Christianity and embrace of queer spirituality.
‘God is nothing,’ the self-described ‘drag[e]vangelist’ repeats throughout the poem, adding, ‘the Bible is nothing’ and ‘religion is nothing.’ In the end, he concludes God and the Bible are nothing ‘unless we wield it into something.’
‘God must be f***ing nothing,’ he says, ‘if her boundaryless, transubstantiated bodies of color are run down, beaten, and strewn in the streets of America instead of ruling the runways of life.’
He speaks of God not as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but rather as the source of queerness, describing him as ‘nothing but a drag queen with a microphone of biblical f***ing proportions,’ ‘nothing, but if she were, she would be ‘yes, queen’-ing her way down the runways of Paris and Montreal,’ and ‘nothing, but if she were, she would be a seamstress of divide couture, weaving together string theory and self portraits to form the fiercest gowns of queer existence.’
He believes humanity, then, is an emanation of that divine queerness: ‘From under a shroud of secrecy came the beauty of humanity, humanity made in the gender-bending, identity-breaking, system-shaking image of God, the imago Dei.’ He refers to humanity as ‘God’s queerly anointed creation’. . .Many official bodies of the church are promoting him and inviting him to speak. He was featured in glowing terms, for instance, in a video produced by the United Methodist News Service.
Simmons’ slam poem is where he declares most clearly his disbelief in the God of traditional Christianity, but he has repeatedly preached sermons where he upholds LGBTQ identity as divine.
He describes drag as a spiritual experience that allows him to connect with God. . .In this theology, baptism and repentance are replaced by coming out of the closet.”
May God have mercy on his soul.
Unfortunately, unnatural and creepy behavior seems the standard in society now—not just in religion, but most definitely in the tech sector too. Here’s from International Business Times, “Tamagotchi Generation: Expert Predicts AI Children With Subscription Fee ‘On The Way’”:
“The AI expert is certain that this ‘technological game-changer’ will definitely happen, adding that if correctly managed, it could help solve ‘pressing issues’ in the society, ‘including overpopulation.’
Advanced machine learning and CGI (computer-generated imagery) will be crucial in the creation of photo-realistic bodies and faces of these AI children who will look like their parents and would recognize and respond to them through facial tracking and voice analysis.
The AI children that will make up the Tamagotchi Generation will also be capable of simulated emotional responses and speech. This ranges from ‘goo goo gaga’ to back chatting as they grow.
Parents can also decide how quickly the AI child grows or if they want it not to grow at all. And, should they get bored, they can always hit the reset button [emphasis added].”
When people are so divorced from reality that even their offspring are digital fantasies, how can humanity survive? But that’s the plan, isn’t it—solving “overpopulation.” Humanity is both spiritually and physically committing suicide.
“And the Lord said: The cry of Sodom and Gomorrha is multiplied, and their sin is become exceedingly grievous. . .And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven.” —Gen. 18:20, 19:24