The Jan. 6 Committee hearings have begun, heralded by the expected self-righteous hysteria from the Democrat party (the party of rioting, racial hatred, election fraud, economic crisis, deadly vaccines, massive crime spikes, and working with terrorist regimes like Iran). Also predictably, the Republican establishment seems by and large to be lying low. Wouldn’t want to call out the glaring lies and hypocrisies of the Democrats, of course. But the hearings are nothing but political theater. Very few of the “rioters” from Jan. 6, 2021, were violent—of those who were, some were later identified as leftists such as Antifa—and many of them entered because Capitol police literally opened the barriers. A number of those arrested were not even at the Capitol on Jan. 6—one man was arrested for a single allegedly violent text message. And now the Jan. 6 Committee is apparently editing out video that doesn’t fit their narrative.
Donald Trump had encouraged his supporters to be peaceful and continued to urge peace after the entrance of the Capitol began. Furthermore, Trump had asked for National Guard troops to be deployed in case of unrest before Jan. 6, and was refused; he was not the violence-inciter here. If the Left’s attacks on Donald Trump were a witch hunt, the Jan. 6 hearings are the witch trials; and like those shameful trials in Salem hundreds of years ago, many of the worst will sit as judges while the best will be condemned for crimes they did not commit.
While hundreds of innocent tourists literally rot in jail without having been convicted (or tried, in some cases), tortured and denied not only rights but basic necessities like medical care, the instigators (Ray Epps, anyone?) have not even been called upon to testify by the bogus Jan. 6 Committee. There’s evidence admitted even by some leftists that the FBI was involved in staging the Jan. 6 “riot.” And remember all those cities burned and pillaged by leftist-endorsed rioters in 2020? Now Democrats want to pretend they are horrified by a crowd of people walking through barriers held open by Capitol police and wandering around the Capitol? Give me a break.
I wrote this last year about the appalling plight of the political prisoners being held for their involvement in Jan. 6 (unfortunately, not much has changed):
“This is said to be the account of one of the Jan. 6 prisoners himself. Aside from the horror stories of sewage overflows, brutal physical abuse, starvation, mental anguish, and strip searches, it includes the further information that (Covid) unvaccinated prisoners are treated even worse than vaccinated prisoners.
Welcome to Joe Biden’s America.”

There is no justice for Ashli Babbitt, the unarmed veteran needlessly shot by a Capitol police officer. There is no justice for Rosanne Boyland, likely beaten to death by police on the steps of the Capitol. There is no justice for the Jan. 6 political prisoners. While politicians from both sides blather factually mendacious absurdities, the instigators of the alleged “insurrection” still go free, innocent Americans languish in jail, and the election is still stolen.
The only coup that took place on Jan. 6, 2021, was that an illegitimate presidential administration took control illicitly of the United States of America and began turning it into the unaffordable, crime-plagued, anti-free speech dystopia we are now experiencing, almost certainly with the help of the corrupt FBI. The “insurrection” was not carried out by justly incensed Trump supporters, mostly non-violently touring the Capitol. It was carried out by men and women in expensive suits, in political offices, covering their crimes with a façade of self-righteousness. And God help this country unless we take it back from them.
New, shocking revelation from the Jan 6 Committee: Ashli Babbitt weighed the same as a duck.