After years of destructive, globalist politicians leading the country, the Irish are finally remembering that they were a brave fighting people and are demanding action on the serious problems of mass migration and migrant (especially Muslim migrant) crime.
The riots in Dublin triggered by a stabbing made headlines all over the world, but one thing none of the media wanted to admit, even some supposedly right-leaning sources, is that the stabbing was allegedly perpetrated by a Muslim Algerian, and that children outside a Catholic school with a nativity set were specifically targeted (thanks to JihadWatch for publishing what most media wanted to cover up). In other words, it would appear that there is a potential religious motive here. Media wouldn’t want to admit that Islamic scriptures specifically endorse killing non-Muslims, and that the more Muslim migrants you bring in, the closer your country is to becoming a violence-ridden Islamic dictatorship.
The Irish spent hundreds of years sticking to their Catholic faith and their national identity, in spite of harsh English oppression. Sadly, when they finally obtained their independence, they all too quickly became woke secularists. Perhaps this tragic incident was finally a wake up call to remind the Irish of what made them great and how they became free. Let the spirit of Hugh O’Neill and Padraic Pearse rise again.
One Irishman is thoroughly sick of the woke migration nonsense, and went on a furious rant on social media, transcribed below (WATCH on Gettr).
“It’s amazing to hear politicians saying things like ‘their thoughts are with the victims and their families.’ Their thoughts wasn’t [sic] with the victims and their families when they were bringing the likes of this into the country. Their thoughts weren’t with the victims and their families when they were implementing policies that sees women and children around this country getting raped, assaulted and murdered for years now. Their thoughts weren’t with the famil[ies] when they failed to deport a known criminal from our country.
Their thoughts aren’t with your family. No, their thoughts is with how they can shut you up. Their thoughts is with how they can call you ‘far-right’ and make you out to be a racist for only trying to stand up [for] your family. That’s the only thing them people are thinking about today, those politicians. That’s what their thoughts are about today, nothing else.
And what they’ve admitted is, with this [attempted] murder, and sticking up for this murderer, and putting—putting him before the Irish people, calling the people protesting him ‘far-right,’ calling them ‘racist,’ what they’re admitting to you is that a criminal [who] come into this country 20 years ago, that commit[ed] serious crimes, and was given a deportation order, and was never forced to leave the country by the state, and went on to murder Irish children here in this country, so what the government is telling you is that of all the thousands and thousands of criminals that they’ve invited to come and live amongst us over the last couple of years, it’ll be 20 years before that criminal self-removes him[self] from our society, by…committing a murder or some other serious crime where they’ll be put in jail.
But the Irish government won’t remove ’em, the Irish government will bring a criminal in and let ’im fester in our community for 20 f**king years, and call anyone who says he needs to be deported ‘far-right’ or ‘racist’! And…the only time he’ll leave the country is when he do something that is so f**king bad that they have to put him in jail for 20 years. That’s what the Irish government is telling the Irish people, that they’re ’far-right’ and ‘racist’ because they don’t want f**king criminal rapist, murdering bastards living among them.”
Indeed, in 2018 an Irish site published evidence that a nation’s rape rate goes up with Muslim migration. Hardly shocking, since Islamic scriptures specifically endorse raping women.
The Irishman cursed out the Irish government, saying the people are “sick” of the woke “sh*t.” He went on, “I’m absolutely delighted that the people of Dublin decided to express their anger outwardly. If the people of Dublin had not expressed outward anger at what’s just happened, they would have turned that anger internally, and they would have been angry with themselves…When terrorism comes to your door, you get angry, and you show the terrorists what you’re capable of. It’s outside the law, the government are failing to protect you, you have to protect yourself, and you need to show them terrorists what you’re f**king capable of when they murder your children.”
He emphasized that the Irish government doesn’t care at all about its citizens; it simply wants money from the United Nations, the IMF, and the rest of the globalist entities. There are contracts, he said, to bring in criminals from around the world to Ireland, treating these foreign criminals “like kings.” If you critique that, your “character” and your family are attacked, he said.
“They won’t deport the criminals, they won’t deport the rapists, they won’t deport the murderers, ’cause they can’t even f**king talk about it. The NGO class, the government…they can’t even talk about the damage that they’ve done to our country…the criminal element that they’ve brought to live amongst us, they can’t admit what they’ve done. Because if they do, they know the gravy train is over. Well, Ireland isn’t a gravy train, Ireland is the natural soil of our ancestors, and we are the natural heirs of that soil, and we claim that soil, and I don’t give a sh*t what damage is done to your commercial interests…Your commercial interests got damaged last night…you are on our natural soil, [and] you do business in a way that’s good for our nation, or f**k off along with the f**king rapist migrants.”
Those are some hard truths right there. Let’s hope enough of the Irish wake up in time to save their nation—and it would be wonderful if Americans were equally eager to stand up to the evil globalists.
The Irish commenter is insightful. As governments learn too late that incomplete data leads to disastrous government they ABCD, attack, bluster, conceal, deny, whenever events highlight their incompetence. Geert Wilders will have his hands full reversing immigration policies as the other representatives are the ones who caused the current horror. Progress, if any, will be through one funeral at a time.