There is a racial genocide in the US greater than even racist, mass murdering butchers like Confederate general and KKK founder Nathan Bedford Forrest could dream of accomplishing. As horrific and too often deadly as the Civil War and post-Civil War violence of the Democrats and their various vigilante groups were in the US, abortion has killed more black Americans than angry slaveowners or bitter Confederates ever could have.
Citizen Free Press posted a video on Gettr with the sobering comment, “23 million black abortions since 1973.” For context, about 1,211,123 Americans were killed in all major US wars combined. The number of black babies killed from abortion in America is almost 19 times that number. Furthermore, the number of babies aborted in America since 1973 is over 63 million. That means more than a third of abortions in America since the 1970s are of black babies. Meanwhile only 14% of the American population was black as of 2019, which was a 29% increase from the year 2000. Just think about the disproportionate number of black abortions compared to the percentage of the American population that is black. If that is not race-based genocide, I don’t know what is.
Citizen Free Press’ Gettr post included a video of a black man excoriating pro-abortion activists outside Planned Parenthood.
“You escaped abortion, you know that? You wouldn’t be able to stand here and run your little entitled mouth…you wouldn’t be able to stand here and breathe if your mother decided to give you the death sentence. So I don’t want to hear nothing about abortion.
You don’t really believe that you should kill your own baby in the womb…You know what you believe? …You believe that you want to be accepted by your friends. You believe that you want to be popular. . .so you wouldn’t dare go against the popular narrative because you know you might lose your friends, you might lose your job, you might get canceled, you might not be able to make the money you want to make, you might not have the family you want to have. . .you pander and you cater to people who literally want to murder human beings. How insane is that!…
A woman could be walking across the street right now and she’s pregnant…and a man comes by with his car and killed that woman and her baby. You know what that judge is going to do? That judge is going to give that man two counts of homicide. . .Why would that judge say that?…not only the woman carrying the baby is a real human being, but the baby she’s carrying is a real human being. The same baby is kicking in her womb, turning around, pushing his little hand against the inside of her stomach. Then when she pokes back the baby turns. . .she’s having fun with her live baby, her human baby in her womb. It’s responding to stimuli! There’s a real human being!…
You cannot claim that Black Lives Matter. You cannot claim that racism is wrong. You cannot claim that any harm against human beings is wrong when you accept this [gestures to Planned Parenthood sign]. You are a hypocrite! You are completely inconsistent! If you believe that the most vulnerable, the most innocent…do not deserve to be protected…none of you all can be taken seriously.”
This comes as “Medical leaders representing more than 30,000 doctors said intentionally killing a late-term unborn baby in an abortion is never necessary to save a mother’s life.” The letter explained:
“‘[Via] After 20 weeks fertilization age, it is never necessary to intentionally kill the fetal human being in order to save a woman’s life. In cases where the mother’s life actually is in danger in the latter half of pregnancy, there is not time for an abortion, because an abortion typically is a two to three-day process. Instead, immediate delivery is needed in these situations, and can be done in a medically appropriate way (labor induction or C-section) by the woman’s own physician. We can, and do, save the life of the mother through delivery of an intact infant in a hospital where both the mother and her newborn can receive the care that they need. There is no medical reason to intentionally kill that fetal human being through an inhumane abortion procedure, e.g. dismembering a living human being capable of feeling pain.’”
The medical professionals were expressing support for a bill that failed to pass the US Senate and would have protected babies born alive after attempted abortion.
Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, had ties to the KKK. She explicitly hoped that abortion would help kill off black people because she was a raging racist. Democrats never stop blathering about racism, but they are hypocrites now as they always have been, because they are committing racial-based mass murder in America through abortion. And anyone who supports abortion is complicit in that crime.
1. Don't get pregnant in high school,
2. Graduate from high school,
3. Then get a job. After that, consider having babies. It's as simple as that. And yet . . . . . .
This woman must be spending every waking hour of every day of her life, smoking dope and using LSD to wind up so unbelievably delusional on the topic of race.
Only people who are severely and incurably mentally insane would believe that adding another 23 million blacks to the population of the USA would be a positive thing. I mean, for crying out loud - does this woman have the ability to survey the astronomical percentage of blacks who have spent multiple generations on the welfare rolls, sucking from the taxpayer's wallet? Has she bothered to check out the massive cost to the American taxpayers who have to pay for prisons where the never ending supply of black criminals have to be housed, and kept out of our society so they cannot target law abiding citizens with their violence and rampant criminality? Has she not bothered to take a look at the FBI / Justice Department's Uniform Crime Statistics Reports and seen the massive numbers of murders committed by blacks, or seen the unbelievable statistics on how many white females are raped by predatory black male beasts?
Or, hey - has this woman ever bothered to take a long look at African nations or at Haiti, or anywhere else where blacks are the majority and in complete control of their nations? Rampant crime. Savagery so horrific that most White European nations cannot even imagine the extent of violence and sadism that seems to be the default norm for this race of criminals. I wonder what this woman thinks about Winnie Mandela and her ilk - putting gasoline soaked tires around their fellow blacks and setting them on fire? What does this woman think about Africans wielding machetes and going into the villages of competing tribes of blacks and hacking off the arms of women and children? Or, what would she say to defend the superstitious practice whereby African blacks who have AIDs will rape little babies, because they think that will cure their AIDS?
Blacks are a curse on any White nation that is stupid enough to allow them to reside inside it. They belong in Africa and nowhere else.