Over 95% of German Covid Omicron Cases Are Among the Vaccinated
More than 95% of cases of the Omicron variant of Covid-19 in Germany are among those who have received the Covid vaccine, according to a recent report. As I have been saying for a long time, the hard data suggests not only do the Covid vaccines not prevent Covid, they make people more likely to contract Covid. And when you consider all the other (sometimes deadly) side effects that too often come along with the Covid vaccine, there’s no reason whatsoever to get it.
And I’m old enough to remember when Dr. Fauci promised in an interview with children’s book authoress Kate Messner, while promoting vaccines for kids, “But if you get vaccinated, when the virus tries to infect you, the virus can’t because you are protected.” Now he and Biden and other Marxists globally are calling this a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” It certainly isn’t anything of the sort in Germany—it’s the opposite, a pandemic of the vaccinated. And studies in America show the same result, that vaccines make the plandemic worse.
The National Pulse reports (emphasis added):
“Over 95 percent of reported cases of the Omicron COVID-19 variant in Germany occurred in fully vaccinated individuals, according to a new report from the federal government.
The paper – published December 30th by the German agency the ‘Robert Koch Institute’ – included information on the vaccination status of 4,206 individuals who contracted the latest variant of the virus.
Four thousand and twenty people who reported contracting Omicron in the study – which equates to 95.6 percent of total cases – had received at least two doses of COVID-19 vaccines. Twenty-eight percent of the Omicron-positive group had also received a third dose or ‘booster’ shot.
Just 186 people contracting Omicron were unvaccinated in the entire sample, showing that vaccinated individuals were over 21 times as likely to contract the COVID-19 variant.”
At least Omicron seems to be basically a sort of cold, even less likely than the highly survivable other variants to kill you. But if the point of the vaccines is to save you from Covid, they’re a massive failure.