One Solution to Rule Them All: New Vaccines for Fentanyl, Childhood Obesity
Should fentanyl addicts stop taking drugs? Should obese children change their lifestyle to lose weight? According to globalists and the pharmaceutical industry (clearly from noble and not monetary inducements. . .), the answer to both those questions is no. Instead, fentanyl addicts and obese children should get vaccines or other “pharmacotherapy” to allow them to continue their bad lifestyle choices while supposedly being kept healthy (or at least alive). Because that worked so well with Covid-19 vaccines.
On January 2, the World Economic Forum (WEF) published a video boasting that scientists had “developed a vaccine to reduce fentanyl overdoses.” Should the border crisis in the US be solved so there is less fentanyl coming into the country, or should drug addicts try to get help to stop taking it? No! WEF has a better solution. There were “no side effects” reported in rats, WEF said. The problem with this is that first of all, vaccines do not solve dangerous drug use, and secondly, WEF has openly declared that it wants a world where “you own nothing, have no privacy” and enjoy it. All I’m saying is that you shouldn’t trust them. After all, they said the COVID-19 vaccines that have killed between 5 million and 12 million people worldwide were completely safe and effective too. And a WEF guru previously said he wants “less souls” on the planet.
WEF is right to note the serious crisis of fentanyl in America, with over 100,000 drug-induced deaths yearly in the US, 2/3 of those having to do with fentanyl. I just don’t see how a vaccine that is only safe based on the word of a habitually lying, pro-death organization is going to provide any long-term, effective solutions for fentanyl use. The WEF video openly says that the vaccine is supposed to make fentanyl safe to process in your body. In other words, it theoretically allows an addict to keep using fentanyl without dying. “It creates antibodies that block the ‘high’ of the drug and enable it to be processed safely by the kidneys before leaving the body.” The vaccine wouldn’t block other opioids, WEF said.
Obesity vaccines have been around, at least experimentally, for a while—for instance this study from 2014, “Prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines for obesity.” But the American Academy of Pediatrics seems to want obese kids hooked on drugs—including possibly vaccines. AAP’s guide mentions “The role of structural racism has played in obesity prevalence,” which shows you how much nonsense it spews. “The guideline does not discuss obesity prevention,” the guide says. It does discuss “nutrition support, physical activity treatment, behavioral therapy, pharmacotherapy, and metabolic and bariatric surgery.” So it would seem that nutrition help is an option for AAP, but all of the treatments (including “nutrition support”) directly involve the medical industry’s constant aid. All the solutions involve “treatment,” “physicians,” and “health care professionals.,” not lifestyle changes.
“Pharmacotherapy” are medically prescribed drugs/medication. According to a 2018 study, there were “Pharmacotherapy for Obesity” or “Anti-obesity Drugs on the Horizon.” Pharmacotherapy can be administered as a vaccine. And, as noted above, there were vaccines for obesity in 2014.
Neither of these “vaccines” are intended to be a real solution. For both obesity and fentanyl, It’s just a way for pharmaceutical companies and their investors to make more money while justifying an unhealthy lifestyle as unfixable and perpetuating a problem that they hope will make them money, and the patients completely dependent, forever.