New Jersey’s groomer Democrat governor and his pals are outraged you’d want to know if your kid has been brainwashed into pretending he’s the opposite sex. Don’t the peasants know that the pedophiles in charge own their children in our glorious Marxist dictatorship?
Yes, the radical Democrats are trying to indoctrinate, sexualize, and destroy your children. A trend among detransitioners (transgenders who return to living as their biological sex) who got irreparable surgeries or “treatments” as pre-teens or teens is that they say they were told they would commit suicide if they didn’t transition…and now they’re dealing with the horror and grief of having lost body parts they can never get back. The number of LGBTQ-identifying youth in America has increased, and the majority of LGBTQ youth are depressed or hopeless.
By encouraging kids to become transgender, leftists are setting young people up for heartache and endless regret. But that’s exactly why the leftists don’t want parents involved—the parents might intervene to save their children. And with LGBTQ ideology such a useful indoctrination tool for Democrats, and the transgender surgery industry set to reach a $5 billion value by 2023, leftists can’t allow that parental intervention to happen. The family must be destroyed in pursuit of sexual perversion and Marxist utopia.
“[The Epoch Times, July 23] New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy defended a move by his administration to prevent school districts from informing parents that their children are showing signs of gender transitioning.
In June, three New Jersey school districts—Middletown school district, Marlboro school district, and Manalapan-Englishtown Regional school district—approved policies to require that parents be told if their children showed signs of ‘transitioning’ to another gender. Specifically, these signs include students beginning to use a different name, pronouns, or bathrooms that are different from their sex.
Just a day later, Mr. Murphy’s administration announced a move to sue the school districts, with the state contending that these policies entailed ‘outing’ the students and would fail to provide students with a ‘safe’ learning environment.”
Murphy claimed it’s the “American way” to protect children’s “rights,” using the typical Democrat gambit of pitting parents’ rights against another vaguely defined “right.” Yet Murphy previously worked to expand abortion legislation. Where is his concern for children’s rights when it came to unborn babies’ right to life?
The reality is that Murphy and his fellow leftists are deliberately destroying children, whether through abortion or transgenderism. As the New York LGBTQ activists openly chanted, the groomers are “coming for your children.”