May Day: Capitalism, Not Communism, Honors Workers Most
Today is May Day, often celebrated by socialists, Communists, and union activists as a Marxist holiday supposedly honoring workers. More recently, wiser individuals have commemorated it as Victims of Communism Memorial Day. The facts, indeed, are incontrovertible—Communist regimes pretend to honor workers while oppressing and killing them, while capitalism provides more opportunities and honors for workers than any other system in history.
Communism’s empowerment of workers is a sham, like all benefits allegedly guaranteed by Communism. Never, ever has a Communist revolution or government been anything but tyrannical; in every case a ruling oligarchy exercised and still exercise (in some cases) extreme control over their people. All the greatest mass murderers of history were Communist (Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot, Xi Jinping, Fidel Castro, etc.) or socialist (Hitler). Whom did they kill? Mostly workers.
In contrast, capitalism brought more prosperity to more people than had ever been imagined before; a man could start in the lowest factory or servant position in America and become the CEO or the master. Even those who did not become CEOs could reasonably expect that they or their children could achieve a higher degree of comfort and security than they started with.