‘Leaving a Cult’: Mom Regrets Encouraging 4-yr-old to be ‘Transgender’
A mother is now expressing deep regret after previously encouraging her then-4-year-old son to “transition” to female. She compared “transgender” ideology to a “cult” and noted that it is very dangerous precisely because the cult’s worshippers do not even realize it is a sort of religion. “How else could I describe being in something so deep, that I could not see outside of it?” the mother said. “At least when you are religious, you realize you hold beliefs, you understand you have a faith, and you consciously practice it. This was different. I had been in something that I did not know I was in.”
The mother was already deep in LGBTQ ideology at the time, because she had a “wife.” People of the same sex cannot get married, of course, but the phraseology does indicate that, when once a person accepts any level of sexual perversion, it is very hard not to keep going down that dangerous path. This is why conservatives cannot make compromises with evil. As soon as you accept one tenet of leftist ideology, or perhaps do not accept but permit it (gender-neutral language, for instance), you have opened the floodgates.
But the radical left does not want any truth spoken about the LGBTQ cult. “Detransitioners,” or “transgenders” who bravely return to living as their biological sex, often face backlash or have their stories suppressed. And a documentary was recently censored on Vimeo for revealing the heartbreak for parents of “transgender” youth who don’t want their children to masquerade as the opposite sex.
By the way, “transgender” surgeries are a lucrative business. The “transgender” surgery industry is projected to be worth $5 billion by the end of this decade. Surgeons are getting rich off mutilating children.
“[Daily Wire, Feb. 6] A mother of two young boys realized she made a terrible mistake after allowing her 4-year-old son to socially transition into a girl identity and described the epiphany she had as ‘leaving a cult.’
The mother, who wishes to remain anonymous, wrote two essays and recently appeared on a popular podcast to discuss her journey from a social justice organizer and ‘true believer’ in transgender ideology to a skeptic who is deeply regretful for allowing her son to believe he was a little girl trapped in a boy’s body.
‘I’m texting a friend, and I’m like ‘we’ve realized that our older son is not actually transgender and we’re going to be rolling back the social transition and I feel like I am leaving a cult,’ because that’s what it felt like to me,’ she said on the podcast Triggernometry with her identity disguised by a blur filter.
The mother’s first essay in August 2022, ‘True Believer,’ went viral on social media. In the Parents With Inconvenient Truths About Trans (PITT) Substack newsletter, she described how she and her wife raised their two young boys as ‘gender neutral’ because they believed they were following the righteous path of ‘social justice.’
When their oldest son, who was 4 years old at the time, asked if he was a boy or girl, they told him he could choose. Six months later, their son declared he was a girl and wanted to be called ‘sister’ and use ‘she/her’ pronouns. Both his mothers affirmed his new transgender identity by allowing him to socially transition; they changed his name, allowed him to wear girl’s clothes, and allowed him to believe he was truly a girl for approximately one year.”
Then her three-year-old boy said he wanted to be a girl too. Suddenly the mother began to wonder if there were something wrong with transgender ideology after all.
“As her worldview began to unravel, the mother expressed deep regret for the actions she and her wife took, acknowledging that they “led” their child down a path of lies that could have resulted in severe psychological damage and life-long, irreversible medical intervention. In the end, she came to realize that parents, not children, were meant to be in the lead.”
How many parents and children will realize that same truth, only after permanent damage has been done?