Konnech, Inc. dropped its lawsuit against the brave whistleblowers of True the Vote this week. That came only a day after True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, whose research provided the bombshell evidence for 2000 Mules, launched a website with key evidence relevant to their case, Open.Ink. True the Vote said Konnech knew it would lose, and so dismissed the lawsuit.
Why? The 2020 election was stolen, with the help of the genocidal Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and True the Vote has the evidence.
“[UncoverDC] Lawyers representing Konnech, Inc. contacted lawyers for True the Vote (TTV) saying the lawsuit and all claims against TTV would be dropped…All charges, including defamation and hacking claims, have been dropped, vindicating Engelbrecht and Phillips, who were both imprisoned in the fall for refusing to reveal their sources related to the Konnech lawsui…
[Phillips said:] ‘LA District Attorney and prosecutors have every single thing they need to put this guy in jail for the rest of his life—all of this election data and all of the private information [on American poll workers] are on Chinese servers. [Konnech] cannot get out of this. There is no way possible out of this.
‘As this begins to unfold and some of the things that we know become more public, and people recognize that all of the voter rolls were in China, all of them in places like Pennsylvania. It wasn’t just Allegheny County. Allegheny County had connected Konnech to the state’s voter rolls and so those were in China. And to make matters worse, there were several other high-profile companies, let’s say, that were connected directly to the Konnech database.’”
Meanwhile, Open.Ink says:
“This Special Collection is a complete and accurate account of how citizens worked together to expose Konnech, a company that provides elections systems software to many of the largest counties in our country; its incontrovertible creation of open-door systems that send massive amounts of confidential election data and information to China; and its leadership’s work with, and loyalty to, the Chinese Communist Party.”
There’s ever more evidence that the 2020 election was completely fraudulent, yet even the “conservative” establishment doesn’t want to know. We’re letting the Marxist Democrats and the CCP destroy us while we cover for them!
Truth is hard to bear for the wicked plans of leftist politicians