Due to several misunderstandings of the video clip below of the men putting on MAGA gear to disguise themselves, I want to clarify. There are a number of people who have pointed out they are comedians; it is true they seem to be under the delusion that they are in fact comedians who make funny jokes. I personally did not specifically identify them in this piece as Antifa (supposedly they aren’t, and they may well not be), and my headline refers also to the larger body of evidence I discuss in my first paragraph that Antifa did disguise themselves as Trumpers. The men in this video clip, however, are still highly condemnable. If you watch their full video here, you can see that they disguised themselves as MAGA and chased MAGA all day so as to film people they thought were stupid or weird for the express purpose of mocking them. Then, after not a single one of their own clips shows Trump supporters doing anything violent, and when their own video in fact proves that the Trump supporters were assaulted by police and that at least one person (I would guess from what’s shown and said that it’s Ashli Babbitt) was shot by police, these evil jokers accuse the Trump supporters REPEATEDLY of being terrorists and claim Trump incited them, even though Trump’s Jan. 6 speech did no such thing and Trump explicitly called for peace. These leftists deliberately dressed up in patriotic gear they made fun of in order to mock Trump supporters and then accused Trump supporters of terrorism REPEATEDLY when their OWN EVIDENCE proved otherwise. They therefore 100% should be called out and condemned for what they did and said, and I stand by including the clip and saying what I myself said in this article.
I already reported on several explosive Jan. 6, 2021, videos, showing Antifa disguising themselves as Trump supporters, Trump supporters stopping vandalism and kicking Antifa off the steps of the Capitol, and an eyewitness explaining how Antifa disguised themselves and said they wanted to make the Trump supporters look bad before committing vandalism. But wait—there’s more!
First we have two young men who seem to be very open about disguising themselves as Trump supporters to go make trouble:

There’s also this video of Jacob Chansley, the “QAnon Shaman” who was sentenced to over three years in jail, shouting to protestors that Trump had tweeted they should return home. Understandably, some are angry and want to “hold the line” until their voices are heard, but Chansley agrees with Trump’s call for peace. It’s a strong proof that poor Chansley was the exact opposite of a violent insurrectionist.
“We’re going to obey our president!” Chansley shouts. “Respect the Capitol!” a voice chimes in, but others insist they’re staying. Chansley agrees they’re free to make that choice, but reads one of Trump’s tweets into a microphone. Chansley then argues with others who want to stay, insisting repeatedly, “We are not Antifa! We’re not Antifa!” Of course they’re not Antifa. If they were, they would be roaming around free and clear, like so many real criminals and domestic terrorists, not being tortured in jail.

Yet over 950 Americans were arrested by the feds, many of them for completely ridiculous charges like one violent text or moving furniture in the Capitol, and they have been denied not only rights but necessities and literally tortured and abused in frightful ways in jail; many without a trial, let alone a conviction. There was a coup d’etat on Jan. 6, 2021—but it wasn’t committed by justly incensed Trump supporters.
Unfortunately the "antifa guys" were satirists. One of them popped up on Twitter making fun of those who thought that it was real.