Injecting 'Genetically Modified Organisms' In 'Little Kids' Arms': Bill Gates and His Decades of Corruption
“[Vaccines are] the best investment I’ve ever made. . .There’s been over a 20-to-1 return. So if you just look at the economic benefits, that’s a pretty strong number compared to anything else.” —Bill Gates
This video details some of the many crimes and corruptions of tech billionaire and “philanthropist” Bill Gates. It may sound like a conspiracy theory at points, but the NIH website, scientific studies, and the government of India are among the sources for the exposé. Shocking quotes from Bill Gate include this, gleefully and energetically exclaimed by Gates as he pantomimed what he was detailing: “We’re taking things that are, you know, genetically modified organisms, and we’re injecting them into little kids’ arms, we just shoot ’em right into the vein.”

Gates’s Microsoft was sued by the US Department of Justice in 1998—and after that Gates founded his “philanthropic” Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as part of a sort of massive remake of his public image. Yet now Gates is a major donor to the WHO and the CDC—thus influencing both the US (CDC) and the world (WHO) in the medical realm. Gates’s record in medical projects isn’t pretty, either. Gates and his wife have even specifically targeted African and Asian countries in previous decades for some of their most dangerous medical projects.
It’s no wonder that Bill Gates has been charged with genocide in an international court.