History's Deadliest Fraud: Millions Vax Injured, 4 Dead Vaxxed from Covid for Every 1 Dead Unvaxxed
mRNA vaccine inventor Dr. Robert Malone said last week that Italian government data shows four vaccinated people dead from Covid for every one unvaccinated person dead from Covid—and that’s not even including Covid vaccine mortality and injury. Former Blackrock expert Ed Dowd said in June, “The problem with this fraud is it is a bridge too far. 220 million Americans took the vaxx. Three million Americans are disabled, and it’s probably higher, and those disabilities are going to continue to grow.” Dowd said the Covid vaccines are “so fraudulent and so deadly” that their like had never been seen in “the history of the world.”
A new peer-reviewed paper presented evidence that the Covid vaccines kill heart and brain cells, leading to death. Dr. Lt Col. Pete Chambers reported on the correlation of Covid vaccine mandates in the military with, “Strokes, embolisms, cerebral bleeds,” and six soldiers ending up in the ICU. I recently reported on a study that showed the Covid-19 vaccines were up to 98 times worse for young people than the virus itself, and evidence from embalmers who are seeing a worrying and sharp increase in serious blood clotting. And “648 cases of side effects were reported to the VAERS system on breastfed infants whose mothers received the Covid-19 vaccine.”
Dr. Robert Malone said on Steve Bannon’s War Room Sept. 28 that the pro-Covid-19 vaccine narrative is collapsing. Despite the best efforts of governments and institutions and too much of the medical community, the destructive and deadly effects of the Covid vaccines cannot be hidden.
“Globally, I think everybody is pretty much done with this,” Malone said. “There was a major 4,000-person study in Yale, much more rigorous than any study that was done for the vaccines in many ways” (by the way, the Pfizer-BioNTech safety and efficacy study ends in Feb. 2023) “[with a] six-month follow-up, to fine-tune the propaganda messaging. They tested it in human clinical trials. We’ve all been subjected to a massive, pre-planned propaganda campaign. And the good news is that we’re all increasingly becoming immune.”
Steve Bannon noted that only 1.2% of Americans eligible for the Covid boosters have taken them—Americans are done with the lies. Unfortunately, as Bannon also said, there’s been a lot of “carnage,” of hundreds of thousands, or rather millions of deaths and severe injuries due to the Covid vaccines. Malone agreed, and offered some sobering data to support the point:
“[Coming from] the Italian FDA. The current stats are that, on average, for every unvaxxed infection there are seven that are vaxxed. Likewise, one to seven in the intensive care units, and a ratio of one unvaxxed to four vaxxed dead with Covid. That doesn’t even take into account the, uh, vaccine—post-vaccination injury and mortality and morbidity, just as you’ve had Ed Dowd on.”
Dowd noted in June, “We saw, in the second half of 2021 the insurance companies reporting anywhere between 25% and 40% excess mortality in their Group Life arm.” There is a mass genocide going on across the world, enforced by governments and hospitals and businesses.
“This is going to change the face of the world. We have to try to control the outcome because people are going to try to take advantage of this and spin it and turn it into the Great Reset,” Dowd said, and added what we all should commit to, “We are not going to allow the Great Reset to happen.”