Today, April 22, is “Earth Day.” Ignore the mainstream media and federal government lies—there is no “climate crisis,” and climate propaganda is merely aimed at taking away your rights and freedoms to increase the power and wealth of the Marxist elites.
There is “no climate crisis,” Nobel Prize winning scientist Dr. John Clauser emphasized last year, and he has plenty of scientific data to back him up. Climate alarmists have been consistently and wildly wrong for 50+ years, and they’re not suddenly becoming accurate now. The elites know perfectly well they’re spewing balderdash, which is why they desperately try to censor and punish any honest climate data online. The climate hysteria isn’t based on scientific fact, it’s just a tool for globalists to implement Marxist dystopia. They get to be Soviet-style tyrants, and claim they’re virtuous and empathetic at the same time. It’s still a lose-lose situation for all of us peasants.