What a rarity—there’s a politician who actually knows history! Media and Arab terrorists alike have their panties in knots after Geert Wilders, who just won an election victory in the Netherlands, stated the simple historical fact that Jordan is the Arab nation that “Palestinians” keep claiming they don’t have.
There are far too many Westerners who enthusiastically expressed support for the Palestinians’ jihad working for Jewish genocide and destruction of the State of Israel after the horrific Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israelis. There are other Westerners who think they are being empathetic by supporting a “two-state solution.” Not only have the Arabs refused peace with Israel for decades, making such a solution unfeasible, but the “two-state solution” happened last century—the Muslim nation of Jordan was created out of the majority of the land that was originally set aside for the reestablishment of the ancient Jewish nation of Israel.