Much-maligned MAGA Patriots are vindicated and the “pipe-bombs” were a fed hoax on Jan. 6—both of which we know thanks to recently uncovered video evidence.
On Jan. 6, 2021, pro-Trump Oath Keepers protected and assisted an agitated, swearing Capitol police officer to be safe and keep the peace. That officer later lied to claim he was harassed, in danger, and insulted with racial epithets, sending patriots to jail. Now we have the video footage to prove him wrong.
Exclusive from The Blaze on Jan. 15:
“Thanks to new House Speaker Mike Johnson, We now have permission to release Capitol CCTV footage proving that a member of Nancy Pelosi's security detail, Special Agent David Lazarus, perjured himself on the stand during the Oath Keepers trial.
- Lazarus was brought in to corroborate another Capitol police officer's account claiming that he had antagonistic encounter with the Oath Keepers. But footage of Lazarus proves that he was lying.
- These lies, spread unquestioningly by the media and Democrat politicians, were used to put innocent people in prison, ruining their lives and the lives of their families. They and their attorneys did not have access to the footage at trial that Blaze Media is releasing today.
- Instead, Harry Dunn was made a hero by Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, and as a result of his and David Lazarus's false testimony, there are innocent people in prison.
- The government lied about this. What else are they lying about?”
There are many other interesting facts in the video. Dunn had two FBI interviews which conflicted each other, and there’s now video evidence to prove Dunn was swearing, threatening, and hysterical (and armed with a rifle) on Jan. 6, even as Oath Keepers lined up to protect him. Innocent men were sentenced to over a decade in jail after Dunn lied. Lazarus, meanwhile, was not even in the building during the time he supposedly could corroborate Dunn’s lies! Dunn even claimed Lazarus was present at a time when video confirms he was in a different location. Lazarus asserted that he saw the Dunn-Oath Keepers encounter, but he can be identified on the Senate side of the Capitol after the Oath Keepers are no longer standing and protecting Dunn. Lazarus finally reached the staircase where he claimed to have seen the face-off after it was over. I recommend watching the video in full.
Another video you should watch is about the alleged pipe bombs that supposedly almost blew up Kamala Harris and others, but which were not—surprise, surprise—a MAGA plot. As left-leaning journalist Michael Shellenberger said on Twitter/X, “the ‘bomb’ appears to have been a hoax created by and covered up by the FBI and the Secret Service.”
Despite tracking down all kinds of obscure and innocent patriots in connection with Jan. 6, including individuals who not only weren’t in the Capitol but weren’t even in DC that day, using all kinds of high tech techniques, the planter of the pipe bombs at DNC and RNC headquarters had not been identified. It seems now that’s because the whole pipe bomb nonsense was a set-up. Tucker Carlson had Revolver’s Darren Beattie on his show to discuss new video evidence (watch there).
The footage from Jan. 6 shows a black-clad man speaking to individuals in a police car and then in a Secret Service car, alerting them to the pipe bomb, causing the people in the cars to get out in a leisurely manner despite the fact that a pipe bomb was apparently imminently threatening Kamala Harris. The Secret Service and police not only seem blasé, they allow children to cross the street and pass right by this alleged pipe bomb! One policeman takes a photo, gives what looks like a thumbs up, and calmly walks away as the others scatter.
In the footage not publicly released, the law enforcement finally brought in a bomb safe robot to disassemble this pipe bomb, about which they displayed no major visible concern! In fact, the police and Secret Service did not follow official protocol for the situation. Almost as if they knew it was a fake set-up all along…
The DNC pipe bomb was supposedly planted the night before, yet in hours of heavy foot traffic right by it no one discovered it, Beattie said. Then the Secret Service, which conducted a sweep before Harris went into the building, also missed this pipe bomb! And, oddly enough, this same Kamala Harris who compared Jan. 6 to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor didn’t play up the fact that she supposedly was in imminent danger of being exploded.
Here’s the best part—the black-clad man who chatted with the Secret Service and police in the cars to tell them about the pipe bomb was a plainclothes Capitol police office, according to Tucker.
Just like the whole of Jan. 6, the pipe bombs were a fake Fed set-up, meant to paint Trump and his supporters—falsely—as violent insurrectionists.