All personnel and media entering NFL stadiums for the 2024 season will now have to submit to face scans for authentication. Just another move toward a dystopian society where anyone and everyone can gather your biometric data and use it for—who really knows what?
TechSpot reported Aug.4, “The new face authentication will become operational for the 2024 season for individuals with working credentials – team/gameday personnel, vendors, and media. These people have already submitted their photo (facial authentication, not facial recognition) as part of the process and this system will make it more efficient and secure. The goal is to secure entry for thousands of credentialed media, officials, staff, so they can easily access restricted areas such as press boxes and locker rooms.”
The new system, which becomes operational Aug.8 (today), will reportedly not affect fans. At least not yet. But Fox 5 reported “the fan cam video is nothing new. The Cowboys and other sports franchises allow fans to go online, pick a game date and locate and tag themselves. Fans can be clearly spotted with cameras that allow for a clear zoom-in image.”
Phones, social media, and airports collect facial biometric data. Everything is being digitized. Some restaurants and businesses don’t accept cash, and even Costco is now using digital scanners (at my local Costco, at least, that’s a very new development). That’s a problem for two reasons. First of all, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the FBI, Big Tech, and other bad actors could weaponize that data. Second of all, it marks a move toward universal digital ID.
As implemented in Communist China and envisioned for the rest of the world by the World Economic Forum (WEF), digital IDs are required to do or buy anything, from voting to shopping to healthcare to traveling. The Biden-Harris administration signed onto a G20 plan for such dystopian IDs. Covid vaccine passports were a trial run.
The NFL might claim to want efficiency and security with facial authentication, but it is one more step toward a world where everything is digital, and therefore at the mercy of the elites in control of technology.
And yet hoards of illegal aliens from all over the world are pouring over our borders going wherever they want. Hardly any authorities seem to mind and are actually aiding and abetting them and giving them free benefits paid for by hard working taxpayers that our own citizens living in poverty can only dream to have.
I’ve never attended an NFL game and now I never will.