CCP Blocks Line of Its Own Nat'l Anthem Online Used by Anti-Lockdown Protestors
Shanghai, China has become a dystopian hellscape under the latest Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-imposed Covid-19 lockdown. Reports and videos testify to people starving to death because they are not allowed to leave home, Covid-positive children (even infants) separated from their parents, pets murdered by government officials, and people jumping to their deaths in despair. Yet the CCP continues to lie—and not be called on it in any major way by American government and media. Even a line from China’s own national anthem is reportedly being blocked on Chinese social media platform Weibo after the line was used by lockdown protestors. I exclusively reported recently on how CCP state media brazenly posted videos touting its harsh and deadly “zero-Covid” policy while the misery became horrific in Shanghai (and possibly other Chinese cities too). One video specifically praised the CCP’s handling of its citizens in Shanghai; another quoted a Russian expert calling China’s Covid policies a “generally positive experience that the world has.” While calling out Russian propaganda is important, where is the outrage over Chinese propaganda that praises policies killing and damaging the lives of millions?
From Reclaim The Net, “China’s Weibo blocks lines of its own national anthem used to protest lockdowns”:
“The first line of China’s national anthem says: ‘Stand up! Those who refuse to be slaves.’ Users on China’s Twitter-like Weibo had begun using the line to protest the strict lockdown and food shortages in Shanghai. Authorities responded by blocking searches of the line.
Hashtags referencing the line were blocked over the weekend. Users got the message ‘no results can be found.’
It is unclear when the lyrics from the national anthem were blocked. Users began reporting the blocking on Sunday.
A Sunday night post with more than 11,000 likes and 3,000 shares read: ‘How do you sing the first line of the national anthem?’
Another commented: ‘Even the national anthem has been censored. Does that mean that China will also have to change its name soon?’
The lyrics were shared along with the hashtag #Shanghai and news reports about the deteriorating situation in Shanghai. Some even modified the lyrics, with one user posting: ‘Stand up! Those slaves who are hungry and cold.’
Following a spike in cases, Shanghai has been in a strict lockdown in recent weeks, where residents are not allowed to go out to get essentials such as groceries and medical care. Many in the city have complained about not getting food, since the delivery system is overwhelmed.
The government has ignored and even censored posts about the shortages caused by the lockdown, and insists on continuing with its zero-Covid policy.”