Biden Demands More Social Media Censorship
Our Meanderer-in-Chief Joe Biden has been on a role lately with idiotic claims and verbal fumbles, but his explicit call in a CNN clip for increased social media censorship while spewing lies about Covid-19 really hit a new low. No First Amendment rights for those of you comrades who refuse to bow to our brilliant leader and his inspired dictates.
“You haven’t gotten vaccinated, do it. Personal choice impacts us all, our hospitals, our countries,” Biden insisted in his usual creepy undertone. In other words, there is no personal choice. Forget the Constitution, and the Nuremberg Code, and basic human rights—take the death jab or else!
“Covid-19 is one of the most formidable enemies America has ever faced,” Biden later said. Forget the mighty 18th-century British Empire, a bloody Civil War, Hitler, the Japanese Empire, Stalin. . .no, a virus with about a 99% survival rate is “one of the most formidable enemies America has ever faced.” I’ve known toddlers with a better grasp of history (and science) than the “President” of the United States.
Here’s the kicker, however:
“I make a special appeal to social media companies and media outlets — please deal with the misinformation and disinformation that’s on your shows. It has to stop.”
There it is. Joe Biden explicitly demanded that social media companies censor “misinformation”—i.e., anything not currently sanctioned by the lying thugs running our country into the ground.
Mr. “President,” in the immortal phraseology of Brigadier General Anthony C. McAuliffe: “Nuts!”