Biden Closing Coal Plants for Environment-Killing ‘Green’ Power
Sleepy Joe Biden achieved a state of semi-consciousness today in order to mumble his handlers’ latest plan for ruining Americans’ lives.
“[PJ Media] As if John Fetterman’s debate with Dr. Oz wasn’t enough of a campaign killer, Joe Biden announced today that he will be closing coal plants in favor of wind and solar power.
Joe Biden just said that he’s going to shut down coal plants all over America and replace them with wind and solar. Retweet so every voter in Pennsylvania and Ohio will see this.Let’s see how that goes over with Pennsylvania voters, especially considering that Fetterman claimed a while back he is against fracking, although he flip-flopped when asked about this in the debate.”
Not only will Pennsylvania and Ohio be hard-hit economically, but coal is key to electricity, which is kind of important to all Americans. Wind and solar simply do not produce enough electricity, even if there were a lot more of them.
Not only that, as I have emphasized in multiple articles, windmills, solar panels, electric vehicles, and other supposedly clean solutions are actually very damaging to the environment. Even Bill Gates, the king of pushing “green” or “clean” energy, was revealed recently to have laughed mockingly at how “clean” energy was a scam.
But the whole point is to make citizens’ lives worse so the government has more control.